
Autoscaling research makes its way into Apache Flink

March 3rd, 2023in News, Research

The latest Apache Flink Kubernetes Operator release includes an autoscaler component based on the OSDI'18 paper "Three steps is all you need: fast, accurate, automatic scaling decisions for distributed streaming dataflows" co-authored by Vasiliki Kalavri and John Liagouris. We are glad to see our research impact and very grateful to... More

CASP receives Red Hat Collaboratory Research Incubation Awards

January 27th, 2023in Award, Funding, News

We are grateful to the BU Red Hat Collaboratory for the following 2023 Research Incubation Awards: 1. Towards high performance and energy efficiency in open-source stream processing (PIs: Vasiliki Kalavri, Jonathan Appavoo) 2. Serverless Streaming Graph Analytics (PI: Vasiliki Kalavri) Read the full announcement here.

Multiple open positions for PhD students and postdocs

October 6th, 2022in News

The CASP Systems lab has multiple open positions for PhD students and postdocs. We invite applications from strong candidates who are interested in scalable data stream processing, systems for large-scale graph analysis and machine learning, and systems for privacy-preserving data analytics. To apply for a PhD position, submit your materials by... More

New research awards from NSF and Bosch

August 25th, 2022in Award, Funding, News

CASP lab receives two new research awards:   A gift from Bosch GmbH to support our research on privacy-preserving data processing systems. A SaTC Core Medium award from NSF (#2209194). The award will support our research on secure outsourced analytics in untrusted clouds for the next 4 years. We are grateful for... More

Papers accepted at DEEM and aiDM SIGMOD’22 workshops

April 22nd, 2022in News, Publication

The following papers were accepted for presentation at upcoming SIGMOD'22 workshops: Evaluating Model Serving Strategies over Streaming Data by Sonia Horchidan, Emmanouil Kritharakis, Vasiliki Kalavri and Paris Carbone was accepted at the 6th Workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning (DEEM'22). GCNSplit: Bounding the State of Streaming Graph Partitioning by Michał... More

Shengyao Luo joins CASP Systems with Summer’22 UROP award

March 30th, 2022in Award, Funding, News

Shengyao (Jax) Luo is joining the CASP Systems lab this summer, after being awarded a UROP grant. Jax's project, "Monitoring and improving energy consumption in stream data processing", aims to curate and publish a unique data set of fine-grained time-series energy and performance data for streaming workloads.

Paper accepted at EuroSys’22

January 18th, 2022in News, Publication

Our paper "A New Benchmark Harness for Systematic and Robust Evaluation of Streaming State Stores" has been accepted for presentation at the EuroSys'22 conference.

CASP receives three Research Incubation Awards from the Red Hat Collaboratory

December 16th, 2021in Award, Funding, News

Our research lab has received three Research Incubation Awards from the BU Red Hat Collaboratory: 1. Towards high performance and energy efficiency in open-source stream processing (PIs: Vasiliki Kalavri, Jonathan Appavoo) 2. Serverless Streaming Graph Analytics (PI: Vasiliki Kalavri) 3. Secure cross-site analytics on OpenShift logs (PI: John Liagouris) Read the full announcement here.