
CASPLab members present posters at NEDB Day 2025

January 11th, 2025in News, Research

CASPLab students participated in the North East Database Day 2025 conference with two posters: 1. Zikun Wang, Yuanli Wang, Lei Huang, Sakshi Sharma, John Liagouris, Vasiliki Kalavri. "Zero-downtime reconfiguration mechanisms for dynamic data stream processing" 2. Han Dong, Yuanli Wang, Jonathan Appavoo, Vasiliki Kalavri. "Co-optimizing Performance and Power in Stream Processing Systems"

Talia Chen is a finalist of the SIGOPS SRC at SOSP’24

November 7th, 2024in Award, News, Research

Talia Chen participated in the Student Research Competition of SOSP'24, undergraduate category, with a poster of her work, "Scaling GNN Sampling on Large-Scale Graphs with io_uring". Talia made it to the final round, where she gave a short presentation in front of the judges and SOSP attendees. Congratulations, Talia!

Paper accepted at EuroSys’25

September 24th, 2024in News, Publication, Research

Our paper "CAPSys: Contention-aware task placement for data stream processing" was accepted at EuroSys'25! We performed an empirical evaluation study to show that task placement not only significantly affects streaming query performance but also the convergence and accuracy of auto-scaling controllers. To address this issue, we propose CAPSys, an adaptive resource... More

Best Short Paper Award at DaMoN’24

June 10th, 2024in Award, News

Our paper “In situ neighborhood sampling for large-scale GNN training” received the best short paper award at DaMoN’24. Congratulations to all authors!

CASP Lab goes to SIGMOD’24 with a demo and a DaMoN paper

May 2nd, 2024in News, Publication

Members of the CASP Lab will present two recent works at the upcoming ACM SIGMOD'24 conference, in Santiago, Chile: QueryShield: Cryptographically Secure Analytics in the Cloud, was accepted at the SIGMOD'24 Demos track. In situ neighborhood sampling for large-scale GNN training, was accepted at the Data Management on New Hardware... More

Paper accepted at EDBT’24

March 25th, 2024in News, Publication

Our paper "Crayfish: Navigating the Labyrinth of Machine Learning Inference in Stream Processing Systems" was accepted for presentation at the 27th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT '24).  We contribute a principled benchmarking framework to help navigate the chaos in streaming ML inference.

New research award from NSF

August 3rd, 2023in Award, Funding, News

PI Vasia Kalavri has received an NSF award to support her project "Scaling Graph Machine Learning Workloads on Modern Storage" for the next 3 years.