(Publications and preprints from the Bryant Lab or co-authored by members of the Bryant Lab since Dr. Bryant joined BU in October 2012)
(preprint) Babbs RK, Beierle JA, Ruan QT, Kelliher JC, Feng AX, Kirkpatrick SL, Benitez FA, Rodriguez FA, Pierre J, Kumar V, Mulligan MK, Bryant CD (2018). Cyfip1 haploinsufficiency increases compulsive-like behavior and paternally inherited palatable food intake: Implications for hyperphagia in Prader-Willi Syndrome. Revised manuscript under review,
(preprint) Bryant CD*, Bagdas D, Khalefa T, Goldberg LR, Reed ER, Kirkpatrick SL, Kelliher JC, Chen MM, Johnson WE, Mulligan MK, Damaj MI (2018). C57BL/6 substrain differences in inflammatory nociception and genetic mapping of a major quantitative trait locus underlying acute thermal nociception, Under review,
Babbs RK*, Kelliher JC*, Scotellaro JL, Yazdani N, Ruan QT, Mulligan, MK, Bryant CD (2018). Genetic differences in the behavioral organization of binge eating, conditioned food reward, and compulsive-like eating C57BL/6J and DBA/2J strains. Accepted, Physiology and Behavior,
Ruan QT*, Yazdani N*, Beierle JA, Hixson KM, Hokensen KE, Appico DJ, Luttik KP, Zheng K, Ash PEA, Szumlinski KK, Russek SJ, Wolozin B, Bryant CD (2018). Changes in neuronal immunofluorescence in the C- versus N-terminal domains of hnRNP H following D1 dopamine receptor activation. Neuroscience Letters, 684: 109-114.
Bryant CD, Ferris MT, Manuel de Villena FPM, Damaj MI, Kumar V, Mulligan MK (2018). Ch. 14: Reduced complexity cross design for behavioral genetics. Molecular-Genetic and Statistical Techniques for Behavioral and Neural Research. Publication date: June 2018. Edited by Wim E. Crusio and Robert T. Gerlai
Apicco DJ, Ash PE, Maziuk B, LeBlang C, Medalla M, Al Abdullatif A, Ferragud Faus A, Botelho E, Balance HI, Dhawan U, Boudeau S, Kashy D, Wong A, Goldberg LR, Yazdani N, Zhang C, Choong YU, Tripodis Y, Kanaan NM, Ikezu T, Cottone P, Leszyk J, Li H, Luebke J, Bryant CD, Wolozin B (2018). Reducing the RNA binding protein TIA1 protects against tau-mediated neurodegeneration in vivo, Nature Neuroscience, 21(1): 72-80.
Goldberg LR, Kirkpatrick SL, Yazdani N, Luttik KP, Lacki OA, Babbs RK, Jenkins DF, Johnson WE, Bryant CD (2017). Casein kinase 1-epsilon deletion increases mu opioid receptor-dependent behaviors and binge eating. Accepted, Genes, Brain and Behavior
Kirkpatrick SL, Goldberg LR, Yazdani N, Babbs RK, Wu J, Reed ER, Jenkins DF, Bolgioni AF, Landaverde KI, Luttik KP, Mitchell KS, Kumar V, Johnson WE, Mulligan MK, Cottone P, Bryant CD (2017). Cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 is a major genetic factor underlying binge eating. Biological Psychiatry, 81(9): 757-769.
Young EE, Bryant CD, Lee SE, Peng X, Cook B, Nair HK, Dreher KJ, Zhang X, Palmer AA, Chung JM, Mogil JS, Chesler EJ, Lariviere WR (2016). Systems genetic and pharmacological analysis identifies candidate genes underlying mechanosensation in the Von Frey test. In press, Genes, Brain and Behavior.
Yazdani N, Shen Y, Johnson WE, Bryant CD (2016). Striatal transcriptome analysis of a congenic mouse line (chromosome 11: 50-60 Mb) exhibiting a reduced locomotor stimulant response to methamphetamine. Genomics Data. June, 8: 77-80, doi: 10.1016/j.gdata.2016.03.009
Bryant CD, Yazdani N (2016). RNA binding proteins, neural development and the addictions. Genes, Brain and Behavior 15: 169-186.
Yazdani N, Parker CC, Shen Y, Reed ER, Guido MA, Kole LA, Kirkpatrick SL, Lim JE, Sokoloff G, Cheng R, Johnson WE, Palmer AA, Bryant CD (2015). Hnrnph1 is a quantitative trait gene for methamphetamine sensitivity. PLOS Genetics 11(12):e1005713.
Kirkpatrick, S. L., & Bryant, C. D. (2015). Behavioral architecture of opioid reward and aversion in C57BL/6 substrains. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 450. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00450
Zhou L, Bryant CD, Loudon AS, Palmer AA, Vitaterna MH, Turek FW (2014). The circadian clock gene Csnk1e regulates REM sleep and NREM sleep architecture in mice. Sleep, 37(4): 785-93.
Bryant CD, Guido MA, Kole LA, Cheng R. The heritability of oxycodone reward and concomitant phenotypes in a LG/J x SM/J F48 mouse advanced intercross line (2014). Addiction Biology, 19(4): 552-561
(Publications prior to Dr. Bryant joining BU)
Bryant CD, Kole LA, Guido MA, Cheng R, Palmer AA (2012). Methamphetamine-induced conditioned place preference in LG/J and SM/J mouse strains and an F45/F46 advanced intercross line. Frontiers in Genetics 3:126
Bryant CD, Kole LA, Guido MA, Sokoloff G, Palmer AA (2012). Congenic dissection of a major QTL for methamphetamine sensitivity implicates epistasis. Genes, Brain and Behavior 11(5):623-32
Bryant CD, Parker CC, Zhou L, Olker C, Chandrasekaran RY, Wager TT, Bolivar VJ, Loudon AS, Vitaterna MH, Turek FW, Palmer AA (2012). Csnk1e is a genetic regulator of sensitivity to psychostimulants and opioids. Neuropsychopharmacology 37(4):1026-35.
Bryant CD, Chang HP, Zhang J, Wiltshire T, Tarantino LM, Palmer AA (2009). A major QTL on chromosome 11 influences psychostimulant and opioid sensitivity in mice. Genes, Brain and Behavior 8(8):795-805.
Hofford RS, Hodgson SR, Roberts KW, Bryant CD, Evans CJ, Eitan S (2009). Extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation in the amygdala mediates elevated plus maze behavior during opioid withdrawal. Behavioural Pharmacology 20(7):576-583.
Bryant CD, Roberts KW, Culbertson CS, Le A, Evans CJ, Fanselow MS (2009). Pavlovian conditioning of multiple opioid-like responses in mice. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 103:74-83.
Bryant CD, Graham ME, Distler MG, Munoz MB, Li D, Vezina P, Sokoloff G, Palmer AA (2009). A role for casein kinase 1 epsilon in the locomotor stimulant response to methamphetamine. Psychopharmacology 203(4):703-11.
Bryant CD, Zhang NN, Sokoloff G, Fanselow MS, Ennes HS, Palmer AA, McRoberts JA (2008). Behavioral differences among C57BL/6 substrains: Implications for transgenic and knockout studies. Journal of Neurogenetics 22(4):315-31.
Gioiosa L, Chen X, Watkins R, Klanfer N, Bryant CD, Evans CJ, Arnold AP (2008). Sex chromosome complement affects nociception in tests of acute and chronic exposure to morphine in mice. Hormones and Behavior 53(1):124-13
Bryant CD, Roberts KW, Byun JS, Fanselow, MS, Evans CJ (2006). Morphine analgesic tolerance in 129P3/J and 129S6/SvEv mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 85(4):769-79.
Bryant CD, Eitan S, Sinchak K, Fanselow MS, Evans CJ (2006). NMDA receptor antagonism disrupts the development of morphine analgesic tolerance in male, but not female C57BL/6J mice. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Comparative and Integrative Physiology 292(2):R315-R326.
Lutfy K, Eitan S, Bryant CD, Yang YC, Walwyn W, Saliminejad N, Kieffer BL, Takeshima H, Carroll FI, Maidment NT, and Evans CJ (2003). Buprenorphine-induced antinociception is mediated by mu receptors and compromised by concomitant activation of opioid-like receptor-1 receptors. Journal of Neuroscience 23(32):10331-7.
Eitan S, Bryant CD, Saliminejad N, Yang YC, Vojdani E, Polakiewicz R, Evans CJ (2003). Brain region-specific mechanisms of morphine-induced MAPK modulation and distinct patterns of activation during analgesic tolerance and locomotor sensitization. Journal of Neuroscience 23(23):8360-9.
Wilson SG*, Bryant CD*, Lariviere WR, Olsen MS, Giles BE, Chesler EJ, Mogil JS (2003). The heritability of antinociception II: Pharmacogenetic mediation of three over-the-counter analgesics in mice. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 305(2):755-64
Bryant CD, Zaki PA, Carroll FI, Evans CJ (2005). Opioids and Addiction: Emerging pharmaceutical strategies for reducing reward and opponent processes. Clinical Neuroscience Research 5:103-115. Review