Anna Goldfield

goldfield-profile2x3Anna Goldfield

Ph.D. 2017


Areas of interest: Zooarchaeology, Human subsistence behavior, Paleolithic archaeology, Archaeology of fire use


I study the interactions between Paleolithic hunter-gatherers and their prey resources, particularly in response to adverse environmental conditions. I ask how Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal hunting and food processing behavior differs from that of Upper Paleolithic humans, and how these behaviors inform our understanding of human responses to large-scale environmental change. I aim to address this question using zooarchaeological analysis of Middle and Upper Paleolithic faunal assemblages, as well as with an innovative population modeling approach to fire use, hunting, and landscape patch viability.

Published Illustrations

The Neanderthal Child of Roc de Marsal: A Prehistoric Mystery
Lemoine, X., Zeder, M., Bishop, K.J., Rufolo, S. (2014). A new system for computing dentition-based age profiles in Sus scrofa. Journal of Archaeological Science.


Faunal analyst at La Ferrassie, Dordogne, France