Interview: DWLLRS

Photo credit: Pablo Perez

Interview by Sophia Blair


DWLLRS is the indie-pop duo of Bren Eissman and Joey Spurgeon, whose heartfelt lyricism and dreamy, vibey sound create an immersive, emotional experience. What started as jam sessions in a Vanguard University dorm room has become a growing sensation, and now, fans across the U.S. and Canada are showing up to be part of it. Their music blends infectious melodies with raw vulnerability, and that same energy comes through in their live show. Bren’s high-energy, theatrical presence collides with Joey’s grounded musicianship in a way that brings their songs to life. DWLLRS craft a sonic world that feels both deeply personal and universally relatable. I caught up with them in Boston on their first-ever tour, “The Cameraman Tour,” to chat about their journey.


Sophia Blair (SB): Hey, thank you guys so much for talking to me! It’s been so cool to watch you interact with all of your fans after the show, and the energy on stage was electric. So Bren, you said you have a musical theater background? How do you think that’s informed your stage presence and comfortability on tour?

Bren Eissman (BE): When I was a kid, I was really good at playing characters. So I think to a certain extent I just learned with music to make myself a character and like accentuate it. And that’s why I’m always like screaming and dancing and it helps because when I get nervous I just accentuate that character and I scream more and I don’t know, yeah it usually works, it’s more fun.

SB: And Joey, what was the process like teaching Bren music when you guys lived together? Was it something where you were one day like, “Hey, I’m going to teach you music,”? How did that whole process play out? 

Joey Spurgeon (JS): It’s actually a good question. No one’s ever asked that. I would just jam in the room a lot. I would actually jam with our drummer Mike across the hall and we’d play music a lot together…

BE: I would just sit there.

JS: …and then eventually, Bren was like, “Yo, teach me some chords,” and then I taught him a few chords, and then he kind of just started writing super dope songs. 

SB: That’s so awesome. 

JS: And then we started writing music together and kind of like going through song structure and workshopping songs. 

BE: I never really thought about it. 

SB: Totally organic blossoming.

JS: Yeah, super organic. 

SB: That’s beautiful. I’m you sitting there with my friends right now. Sometimes they give me the triangle though. 

BE: Hey, triangle’s sick!

SB: If your sound was an art form other than music, what do you think it would be? And I ask this because I was really intrigued by all of the like home-video style background stuff you had going on on stage. 

JS: Yeah I would say Ballet or Jiu Jitsu. 

SB: I’m thinking of dancing on a surfboard.

BE: Longboard surfing, I could get, yeah, that’s really cool. 

SB: Okay, and how do you describe your sound in three words?

BE: Indie, pop, alternative. Mine was a boring answer.

JS: I would say vulnerable, hopeful, and vibey. 

SB: Vibey! That’s so true. I’m sure you guys come up with a lot of inside jokes on tour because you spend so much time together. Are there any inside jokes you’d like to share so far from this tour? 

BE: Yeah! There’s a weatherman named Max Velocity. 

SB: No way.

BE: No, like for real. Yeah, and he’s like super dope. 

SB: Where? 

BE: I don’t know. He’s on YouTube. He’s super nerdy. And our sound guy like worships him. Yeah, he genuinely has been helping us.

JS: Yeah he’s super dope. He actually helps us on the road. Sean watches him and gets the weather report because we’re driving everywhere. And so, he’s kind of like a legend. And now he’s just kind of this like… myth. 

SB: That’s amazing. Max Velocity. 

BE: And then another one is when my throat is hurting, I have to go on vocal rest. So like pretty much anytime that I’m on vocal rest, everybody, like whenever I’d say something or try to say something, they’re like “Shut up, bitch!” Everybody tells me to shut up but it’s just because I’m on vocal rest so it’s like an excuse. 

JS: We also joke that Bren doesn’t ever help us load out or load in.

BE: Which I probably help the least, but… yeah I gotta work on that. 

SB: Jokes are not always just jokes. 

JS: Yeah. Jokes are not jokes.

SB: And then my last question is: Any key moments on tour/any exciting things coming up? 

JS: Album two. 

BE: Album two! And we’re gonna do a deluxe album for the first time. And… Yeah. I got to crowd surf for the first time ever. It was super sick.

SB: Where was that? 

BE: San Diego, the first show. 

SB: Of course it was San Diego. Any last things you want people to know?

BE: If anybody does Avatar the Last Airbender edits, yeah, use our songs. 

SB: Yeah. Okay. Got that. Cool. Well, thank you guys so much for chatting with me. Have a great night!