Back2BU Virtual Meetings Recap – Part 3

wtbu · Back2BU Virtual Meetings Recap – Part 3

By Grace Ferguson


You’re listening to WTBU News. I’m Grace Ferguson, here with a recap of Boston University’s fourth and fifth Back2BU Virtual Meetings. Monday’s meetings were focused on the College of Engineering and the College of Communication.

BU officials spent the majority of their time going over college-specific information, or answering questions they’ve addressed in previous sessions. 

Here’s what’s new.

Students who stored their dorm items in the spring but aren’t returning in the fall will have to coordinate with BU housing to get their stuff back. In the live video feed, a BU official said those students would receive an email from BU Housing. But in the Q&A chat function, an official wrote that students should reach out to housing themselves.

The Learn from Anywhere format might lead to class scheduling changes That’s according to one official who answered a question in the chat function. They said students should check their email and the Student Link to watch for those schedule changes.

Some lab classes in the College of Engineering will use a kit-based model. Sol Eisenberg, an associate dean in the college, didn’t give any specifics. But he said this means students can do their labs anywhere, even at home.

Senior design projects for engineering majors might be affected by where students are learning from. A student who’s learning online might be able to team up virtually with students on campus. More information about that is on the way. 

There will be a lot fewer lab research opportunities for undergraduates this fall, especially for equipment training. Eisenberg said that only people who really need to be in labs will be there.

The College of Communication session didn’t yield as much new information. Officials said radio and TV studios would be open this fall, with some adjustments like limited capacities and extra cleaning. Equipment rental will still happen, but items might have to sit longer between rentals so they don’t have to be cleaned as often.

That’s all for today’s recap. In Salt Lake City, Utah, I’m Grace Ferguson for WTBU News.