Field Hockey: 20 questions with senior Kara Enoch

By: Greg Levinsky

Sitting at 6-3 overall and 2-0 in the Patriot League, senior striker Kara Enoch and the Boston University field hockey team once again appear as the crème de la crème of Division I field hockey programs.

The Yorktown, Virginia native has two goals and two assists this fall, and took some time to sit down with WTBU Sports to discuss her biggest fear, greatest inspiration and more.

Kara Enoch is Boston University field hockey’s lone senior on the forward line. Photo by Greg Levinsky

1. Proudest moment on the field hockey turf?

“I think its definitely winning states in high school. BUFHA related moment was beating Northwestern this year. It was our first win against a top-10 program since 2014.”

2. Toughest team you’ve played against?


3. Favorite athlete?

“Tom Brady.”

4. When did you start playing field hockey?

“I learned to play field hockey when I lived in England. That was year seven, so 6th grade.”

5. Did you play other sports growing up?

“I played all kinds of sports growing up. I figure skated, did gymnastics, soccer, I swam. People who knew me thought I was going to swim in college because I was literally paddling around the pool when I was a baby. It really freaked out the lifeguards. I also ran track and played lacrosse in high school.”

6. Toughest class you’ve taken at BU?

“I guess I’d say economics classes and statistics.”

7. Dream job?

“I really want to do something regarding national security. Kind of following what my Dad did. Probably not military, but government or law enforcement. I really want a job that will allow me to travel the world as well.”

8. Worst fear?

“I really don’t like spiders. They freak me out. I also really don’t like people getting chopped up or those doctor shows, my teammates always watch them and I usually scream when I see it.”

9. Biggest pet peeve?

“Slow walkers are pretty brutal, Especially if they take up the whole sidewalk because they’re walking so slow.”

10. Do you have any hidden talents?

“Finding the best dessert or unhealthy snack. I love dessert.”

11. Funniest person on the team?

“Miya [Denison].”

12. Most supportive teammate?

“All of my teammates have each others backs. Allie Doggett has always been there for me, so has [Kathleen Keegan] and everyone in my class. I am really lucky.”

13. Do you follow any other BU teams, if so, which are your favorites?

“I kinda like all of them. I don’t have a favorite. We always like to see women’s soccer do well, women’s lacrosse because we’re close with them.”

14. Favorite sport besides field hockey?

“I love watching football, especially the Patriots. I also love the Olympics when they’re on.”

15. Favorite late night snack?

“I love Cheetos, the all-natural kind. McDonald McNuggets are a strong go to. I also love any dessert, especially king-sized Kit-Kats. I always start with two pieces, but then end up eating the whole thing.”

16. Go-to coffee order?

“I get a medium iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts with skim milk and sugar.”

17. Who is your biggest inspiration?

“My dad. He’s done everything for this country. He’s also very brave. He stands up for what’s right. He also loves sports, loves to compete. He’s amazing in every sense of the word. I love my dad, and I love my mom too. I love both of them.”

18. What artists are on your pregame playlist?

“It’s usually rap music, so Kendrick Lamar, Drake, A$AP Rocky.”

19. What’s the best part about being a senior?

“You recognize that’s it’s your last year in college and you’re going to get thrown into the real world. The best part about being a senior is recognizing that because then you really give everything that you have. You really give everything that you have because you don’t want to leave with any regrets.”

20. Dream vacation?

“I really want to go to Thailand. Also Australia because I want to hold a koala bear. I absolutely love Koalas. Or the San Diego Zoo because I hear they have koalas too. Also anywhere that’s hot. I hate the cold, which is funny because I go to Boston University, so anywhere with a beach.”

Greg Levinsky can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @GregLevinsky