Terrier Tribune: Natasza Tarnowski, Chapter 1 – “Push the PACE”

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By: Natasza Tarnowski ‘20

With the start of the season just around the corner, the BU women’s ice hockey team is excited to get on the ice! We have been reconnecting after the summer and getting to know our new players. Welcoming the freshmen into the team certainly hasn’t been difficult for this friendly group.

With captain’s practices and fitness testing underway, the team has been growing closer and closer every day, whether it’s encouraging each other on the ice or even throwing out a few chirps in the weight room to help push each other. Ultimately, our goal this year is to raise our compete level. We will do this by following our motto: “Push the PACE”.

To us, Push the PACE means a lot. Not only does it signify our willingness to push each other and get better, but every letter in PACE also holds meaning.

“P” is for persistence; a consistent work ethic on and off the ice. “A” is for accountability. This means holding everyone responsible for their actions. “C” is for compete; holding a high standard for the way we push ourselves and each other. “E” is for everyday; making sure we are pushing the pace every single day on the ice, at training and in the classroom.

When we apply this motto to the team we have, there is no doubt in my mind that we will achieve something great. As for now, we are finishing up testing and looking forward to our team building activity on Saturday, which is kept a secret from us and arranged by our coaches. On Sunday, we will have our first official practice. Then finally, on Sept. 28, we will be playing our first exhibition game.

We invite all Terrier hockey fans to come support us at Walter Brown Arena on Saturday, Oct. 6, at 3 p.m. for our home opener against the Northeastern Huskies. Come and discover the other arena on campus, enjoy some great hockey, and be entertained by our amazing BU Band! Your presence would be appreciated and would certainly help us Push the PACE!