Coming off the release of their second EP, Florida-based Flipturn has journeyed up the East Coast on their first tour. The band is composed of Dillon Basse on lead vocals and guitar, Tristan Duncan on lead guitar, Madeline Jarman on bass, Taylor Allen on keys and guitar, and Adrian Walker on drums. This group of college students has shown extreme progress during their few years as a band, and they’ve solidified their sound with two driven and passionate indie rock EPs. From an initial listen of the newest EP, Citrona, you can tell that they bring a lot to the table. There are powerful rock tracks like “Churches,” “Nickels,” and “Six Below” that balance out two softer songs, “August” and “Hippies.” Before their show at The Lilypad on May 15th, WTBU DJ Monica Sucic chatted with the group about the EP, 14 hour drives, and U2.
Monica Sucic: How was the release of Citrona different from the release of Heavy Colors?
Madeline Jarman: We wrote Citrona to tell a story from beginning to end. With Heavy Colors we were just excited to get an EP out there, so it was just the first couple songs that we wrote that we were confident enough to put out on an EP. We took our time [with Citrona] and made it as meaningful as we could.
MS: What was the hardest part of the writing/recording process?
Taylor Allen: I think it was being split up. Some of us are in Gainesville, Florida and some of us go to school in Jacksonville, Florida. We had to really find time in our schedules where we would all be free and we could all be in the studio together.
MS: Why did you choose to include the quote from “Dead Poets Society” at the beginning of the album version of “Churches?”
Dillon Basse: I love that quote and I love that movie. It kind of just sets up the song. The whole meaning behind the poem is about contributing your verse–what you’re going to contribute to your life–and that’s pretty much what “Churches” is: finding your passion, finding what you want to do.
MS: How has tour been going so far?
All: It’s been pretty good, pretty awesome.
DB: Friday morning we’re going to be driving 14 hours back to Florida…
TA: But it’s totally been worth it. I love being on the go and seeing different places. It’s been such a fun experience.
MS: What’s been your favorite part of touring?
DB: It’s been an awesome experience.
MJ: I’ve never been to Massachusetts or Philadelphia, so it’s really cool to go around and look at the cities. It’s been fun having Dillon as a tour guide around Boston.
TA: It’s fun to see how different the music scenes are, too. Playing in Philly was really cool. I was not expecting that show to go the way it did, but I’m so happy it did. It was just such a cool experience.
MJ: We played in a basement in Philly–that was really cool. The ceiling was right here [gestures a few inches above her head] so we couldn’t really jump around.
TA: I hit my head about four times but it was worth it. [laughs]
MJ: We didn’t really know what to expect out of any of the shows, so it’s a pleasant surprise every time.
MS: Which band/album had the most influence on your childhood?
TA: The first one that comes to mind is Kelly Clarkson because it’s the first album I ever had on CD, but I don’t really think it impacted me. [laughs]
DB: U2 for me. When I was younger for sure.
TA: Joshua Tree! That’s my mom’s favorite album by them, that and War, so I was raised on those albums. I got to go see U2 with her on the Joshua Tree tour last summer.
MJ: The first alternative band that I got into and really resonated with me was Two Door Cinema Club, Tourist History. I guess that was in middle school. I’ve always loved them, I still love them.
DB: That’s why she likes cats so much. [all laugh]
MJ: It’s a great album cover! Also, it’s not really an album, but I grew up playing all the Guitar Heroes. I feel like that made me want to go into music.
MS: Which bands are you currently listening to that you’d recommend?
DB: The Districts! One hundred percent, I’ve said it so many times. I love them.
Tristan Duncan: Sure Sure. They’re really good.
TA: I’ve been listening to a lot of Greta Van Fleet.
MJ: I know they’re pretty popular, but Alvvays; they’re one of my favorite bands.
Adrian Walker: Definitely Frank Ocean. I grew up listening to heavier stuff like classic rock, but recently I’ve had more of an appreciation for R&B.
MS: If you could collaborate with any artist, living or dead, who would it be?
AW: Freddie Mercury.
TA: All I can think of is Freddie Mercury, because we watched the trailer for the new Queen movie that’s coming out. Or Dave Grohl. I just wanna be his best friend.
MS: If you could get a tattoo for any song, album, or band, what would it be and why?
TA: The Maine is my favorite band, so I have quite a few planned.
DB: Wow.
TA: Ok! Judgement free zone! But the two specific ones are 8123, which is the label they created, and I’ve made a lot of friends through the 8123 family and I actually got to see one of my friends who I met through The Maine two days ago at one of our shows. The other one would be “raw and invincible” which is a line from one of their songs.
MJ: Probably either a Hippo Campus quote or Alvvays. They both have really good lyrics.
Flipturn’s latest EP, Citrona, is out now. They can be found on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.