Women’s Lacrosse: Pre Season Poll
- Maryland
- Syracuse
- North Carolina
- Northwestern
- Stony Brook
- Notre Dame
- Boston College
- Penn State
- Princeton
- Florida
- Duke
- Johns Hopkins
- Virginia
- Stanford
- Louisville
- Penn
- Ohio State
- Loyola
- James Madison
Top Three: These three are by far the favorites to go deep into the post season. Maryland is led by attack Taylor Cummings, likely the best player in the country. North Carolina may be the biggest threat to the Terps after being their only real contender for the past few seasons. Syracuse is led by Tewaaraton candidate for best player in the country Kayla Treanor and should be there on championship weekend.
Middle Teams: Stony Brook is the best team in the America East conference by far. Northwestern is led by Canadian Selena Lasota who is one of the only women in the country with box lacrosse experience. Stanford is the favorite to win the MPSF despite the rise of USC. Princeton, led by the Ivy League coach of the year of 2015, are the favorites in their conference as well. Penn State is ranked ninth but in the Big Ten, the toughest conference in the country, have to deal with Maryland and Northwestern.
Bottom Teams: After being upset last season, James Madison is a team that is looking for revenge and should have a bounceback season. USC made noise in just its third season and should contend for the post season once again. Loyola lost a lot to graduation this season and could see their spot slip.
Early Game to Watch
Loyola @ Florida: This is a tough test early for the Greyhounds who play their first game without nine of their starters. Meanwhile, Florida looks to take control of the Big East.