Tag: immigration

Interview #37

In this story, you will meet a young girl who never had to work, ride public transportation by herself, or pay a bill in her whole life until her parents and siblings had to flee the country. She shares the challenges she faced while living in Turkey all alone and how she crossed the Mexican […]

Interview #12

She wouldn’t know that her last birthday in Turkey would be the beginning of unprecedented events and a new life for her and her son in a foreign country. While debating herself to leave behind her husband imprisoned or taking her son to a safer country, she didn’t know that her husband had already seen […]

Interview #20

Deciding to flee Turkey right after giving birth to her baby wasn’t the hardest thing in her story. Confronting her sea phobia in a small boat and watching her husband fell off into the sea while fleeing was not, either. Yet, this is not a story of a mother only, but also the story of […]

Interview #05

Story of a preschool teacher who was once acknowledged with many awards but labeled a terrorist later: a mother who had to give birth all alone, a wife who had to afford her family’s life by painting stones, surely a warrior who had to leave everything she built behind.

Interview #27

Story of a teacher who gave birth to twins four days after the coup attempt. Facing her neighbor’s insults and being called “traitor”, over time it became more and more difficult to resist the pressure around her family. After moving from one place to another to start a new life, eventually, they had to accept […]