
Hotels in Boston can be very expensive, especially at this time of year (graduation season). The sooner you make your arrangements the better.

At this time, we have arranged for two housing options for Speech Prosody 2016:

1) A block of rooms at the Hotel Commonwealth, for the discounted price of $299/per night per room (king bed or 2 queen beds). The deadline to book with this rate is April 29, 2016. (Note: The first check-in date with this rate is Monday, May 30, and the last check-out date is Monday, June 6.)

2) A block of luxury dorm rooms in Boston University Housing, 33 Harry Agganis Way 10 Buick Street for $78 per person/ per night (These are in suites of 4 single rooms sharing a bathroom. You will be able to request to share suites with specific individuals, and we do our best to accommodate.) You can register for this on-campus housing through our registration page. (Registration is now open! Rooms are still available on campus, but we will be closing reservations on May 6th.)

While we do not have a block reserved there, the Hotel Buckminster is in walking distance to the conference venue, and is known to have very reasonable rates.

We will post more information on housing options as they become available.

Page updated 4/28/2016.