Course Documents
Key Course Documents
Primary Sources and Other Readings
Students are responsible for uploading/posting their materials for the class in which they are presenting 24 hours prior (at the latest).
September 11 – Alayna and Fedor (Theodore Weeks, Nation and State in Late Imperial Russia only)
September 18 – Russian Revolutions 101
Maps, images, tables, Lenin’s 1917 decrees
September 25 – Amal and Kate (Supplementary materials for Peter Holquist, Making War, Forging Revolution)
Bolsheviks Take Charge in Cossack Villages (1918-1920)
Source: Hoover Political Poster Database — 2007.
Petrograd Telegraph Agency, Agrarian Disturbances — Fall 1917
Original source: A. L. Popov, Oktiabrskii perevorot: fakty i dokumenty (Petrograd, 1918), pp. 81-83.
Source: James Bunyan and H.H. Fisher, ed., Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1918; Documents and Materials (Stanford: Stanford University Press; H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1934), pp. 31-33.
Aleksandr Blok’s Twelve
October 2 – Research discussion
Simon Rabinovitch’s Guide to Getting Your Research Rolling
Simon Rabinovitch’s Student Writing Guide
Boston University History Department Writing Guide
October 9 – Oscar and Nikki (Supplementary materials for Frederick Corney, Telling October)
1)Lenin’s 1902 Pamphlet What is to be done
2) “The Twelve” by Alexander Blok
3)John Reed, “Ten Days That Shook the World” (Chapter 2: The coming Storm)
4) Eisenstein’s Strike (film) 1925 (Opening)
5) Eisenstein’s October (film) 1927
6) Menchivik Newspaper Rabochai Gazeta “The Bolsheviks are anarchists”
7) Lenin’s “Left Wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder” Speech- Comintern July 1920
October 16 – Griffin and Jenna (Supplementary materials for Sheila Fitzpatrick, The Cultural Front)
2) Video of Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (1934)
3) Beethoven Symphony No. 9 (to contrast with Lady Macbeth)
4) Leon Trotsky: Family Relations Under the Bolsheviks (See section on marriage and sex)
5) Evaluation of Soviet Education by W. M. Chamberlain (1929)
October 23 – (Supplementary materials Katerina Clark, Petersburg)
Summaries for the operas The Love of Three Oranges and Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District
October 30 – Katherine and Karen (Supplementary materials for Isaac Babel, Red Cavalry)
Anti-Polish Propaganda Poster
“This is what will come of the Polish scheme.” (Translation)

Monument to the 1st Cavalry Army (Red Army) in Ukraine (Lviv, Oblast)
“We Are the Red Cavalry” (“Мы красная кавалерия”), by The Red Army Choir
November 6 – Agatha and Pam (Supplementary materials for Richard Stites, Revolutionary Dreams)
Collection of Revolutionary Dreams Primary Docs: photos, brief excerpts, posters.
For further images of the various housing competitions, see this Flickr page. These architectural drawings illustrate the new notions of futurism and utopianism that characterize the period.
November 13 – Mark and Jeff (Supplementary materials for Francine Hirsch, Empire of Nations)
November 20 – Taryn and Emma (Supplementary materials for Stephen Kotkin, Magnetic Mountain)
December 4 – Kara and Nick (Supplementary materials for Michael David-Fox, Showcasing the Great Experiment)