Author: PAMLab

Phonetics, Acquisition & Multilingualism Lab (PAMLab) Department of Linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences Boston University

Paper on Chinese LexTALE in BUCLD 42 Proceedings

A paper entitled “LEXTALE_CH: A quick, character-based proficiency test for Mandarin Chinese” (Chan & Chang, 2018) has been published in the Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. This paper describes the development of the Mandarin proficiency test that was used for control purposes in the tone perception study presented at BUCLD 42. Abstract: Research […]

Congrats to UROP recipient Sharmaine Sun

Congratulations to Sharmaine Sun, who was awarded an Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant to continue working on research in the lab in Summer 2018! Below is a brief description of the project she will be working on: Sharmaine Sun: “Language use and perceptions of Asian Bostonians” Sharmaine will be working on a sociophonetic research project with two components: (1) examining […]

Paper on crosslinguistic speech perception in JPhon

A research article entitled “Perceptual attention as the locus of transfer to nonnative speech perception” (Chang, 2018) has been published in the May issue of Journal of Phonetics. Abstract: One’s native language (L1) is known to influence the development of a nonnative language (L2) at multiple levels, but the nature of L1 transfer to L2 perception remains […]

Welcome to this spring’s labbies!

Welcome to the three students who will be joining the lab this semester to work on various research projects: Nurgül Işik is a graduate student in the TESOL EdM program (SED). Her interests are in psycholinguistics, bilingualism, and language development. Elisabeth Kotsalidis is a sophomore double-majoring in Anthropology and Classical Civilization. Her interests are in multilingualism and language […]

PAMLab at OCP 15

Prof. Chang presented results on L1 phonological transfer (from collaborative work with Prof. Sungmi Kwon) at this weekend’s Old World Conference on Phonology in London. The title of the talk was “Sensitivity and transfer in perceptual learning of nonnative phonological contrasts” (slides here).

Congrats to UROP recipient Sharmaine Sun

Congratulations to Sharmaine Sun, who was awarded a Spring 2018 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant to continue working in the lab this coming semester! Below is a brief description of the project she will be working on: Sharmaine Sun: “Language use and perceptions of Asian Bostonians” Sharmaine will be working on a sociophonetic research project investigating features of English and heritage languages […]

PAMLab at BUCLD 42

Prof. Chang presented results on L1 perceptual attrition (from collaborative work with Dr. Sunyoung Ahn) and results on L3 tone perception (from Vicky Chan’s MA research) at this weekend’s Boston University Conference on Language Development. The titles of the two talks were “Perception of non-native tonal contrasts by Mandarin-English and English-Mandarin sequential bilinguals” (slides here) and “The role of age and cross-linguistic […]

PAMLabbies at UROP symposium

Sharmaine Sun (CAS ’19) and Kathryn Turner (CAS ’17) with their respective posters (“Do I Sound Asian? TH-stopping in Chinese American Speakers”; “Effects of Age and Bilingualism on Production of Korean and English Fricatives”) at the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, hosted by the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). Great job, Sharmaine and Kathryn!

Congrats to UROP grant recipient

Congratulations to Sharmaine Sun, who was awarded a Fall 2017 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant to continue working on research in the lab this semester! Below is a brief description of the project she will be working on: Sharmaine Sun: “Language use and perceptions of Asian Bostonians” Sharmaine will be working on a sociophonetic research project with two components: (1) examining […]

Paper on perceptual attrition in Language Learning

A research article entitled “Age effects in first language attrition: Speech perception by Korean-English bilinguals” (Ahn, Chang, DeKeyser & Lee-Ellis, 2017) has been published in the September issue of Language Learning. Abstract: This study investigated how bilinguals’ perception of their first language (L1) differs according to age of reduced contact with L1 after immersion in a second […]