Congrats to UROP recipient Sharmaine Sun

Congratulations to Sharmaine Sun, who was awarded a Spring 2018 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant to continue working in the lab this coming semester! Below is a brief description of the project she will be working on:

  • Sharmaine Sun: “Language use and perceptions of Asian Bostonians”

Sharmaine will be working on a sociophonetic research project investigating features of English and heritage languages spoken by Asian Americans, across a range of ethnicities and life histories in the U.S. In Spring 2018, Sharmaine will continue contributing to the analysis of pilot data, including interviews and socio-demographic questionnaires. She will also coordinate standards for interview transcription and collect phonetic results on the feature of “TH-stopping” in different subgroups of the interview corpus.

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