Ito Michio’s Hawk Tours in Modern Dance and Theater
Ito took At the Hawk’s Well on an international tour that introduced modernist noh to the U.S. and ultimately shaped the Japanese modern and traditional theaters. He had a remarkably successful and overlooked career as a modern dancer and theater practitioner in the U.S. before being repatriated to Japan during World War II.

Dancer Michio Ito in warrior costume. © George Eastman House, International Museum of Photography and Film.
Clip 5 Michio Ito’s “Ten Gestures,” Sequence A, performed by Carrie J. Preston.
Clip 6 Michio Ito’s “Ten Gestures,” Sequence B, performed by Carrie J. Preston.
Clip 7 Michio Ito’s “Ten Gestures,” Sequence A with suriashi-like walking step, performed by Carrie J. Preston.
Clip 8 Michio Ito’s “Ten Gestures,” Sequence B with walking step, performed by Carrie J. Preston.
Clip 9 Michio Ito’s Tone Poem No. II (1928). Music by Yamada Kosçak, “Stream of Tone, #5. Reconstructed by Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company in 4 Solos by Michio Ito and Tracings (2004). Performed by Dana Tai Soon Burgess. Costumes by Judy Hansen. Resident Musical Composer and Sound Designer: Aaron Leitko. Light and Lighting Director: Maja E. White.
Clip 10 Michio Ito’s Pizzicati (1916). Music by Leo Delibes, from Sylvia. Reconstructed by Dana Tai Soon Burgess Dance Company in 4 Solos by Michio Ito and Tracings (2004). Performed by Dana Tai Soon Burgess. Costumes by Judy Hansen. Resident Musical Composer and Sound Designer: Aaron Leitko. Light and Lighting Director: Maja E. White.