Category: Recipes

Only for blog posts containing recipes

A Bread Baking Adventure

By Sydney Manning Like Oprah, I love bread. I would eat it all day, every day if the end result wouldn’t be me documented on an episode of My 600-lb Life. Bread and I have a somewhat complicated relationship. As much as I love it, I have never been able to bake it without a […]

Upcoming Events

Gastronomy students!!! You may be interested in these upcoming events. Check ’em out! Venture Capital Investment for Food The top 25 U.S. food and beverage companies lost an equivalent of $18 billion in market share between 2009 and 2016. Venture capitalists are shelling out billions hoping to transform agriculture and scale food ventures that reduce […]

Besan Laddoos Deconstructed: The Science Behind This Indian Sweet

By: Sonia Dovedy Growing up in an Indian household, I was often handed a precious, round morsel to savor during any holiday, religious festival, or simply as a doting gift from a relative. Known as “laddoo,” which translates to “round ball,” these beloved confections of clarified butter, various flours, sugar, dried fruit, and nuts have […]

Article: Do Puerto Ricans know the origin of their typical food?

By Michelle Estades This article was originally published in December 2014 in Diálogo, the newspaper of the University of Puerto Rico. Puerto Ricans, without a doubt, are passionate about eating. They are willing to try different foods, but when asked what their favorite dish is; rice, beans and roasted pork have the lead. According to […]

Thanksgiving with BU Gastronomy Students

We hope you had a great Turkey Day and spent lots of time reflecting on what you are grateful for!  BU is off for the holiday and we were curious about how Gastronomy students spend Thanksgiving.   Meet Michelle and Catherine who have shared their Thanksgiving traditions with us! For Puerto Ricans, Thanksgiving, or the […]