Category: Gastronomy Students Association

New Students for the New Year

The MLA in Gastronomy and Food Studies Certificate programs are happy to welcome a new cohort of student for the Spring 2016 Semester. Here is your chance to get to know a few of them:   Frank Carrieri is not your stereotypical New Yorker. He smiles at passersby, properly articulates the letter ‘r’ in words […]

Exploring Latino Cuisine in Eastie

by Carlos C. Olaechea Student Carlos C. Olaechea recounts the Gastronomy Students Association’s tour of Latino eateries in East Boston Part of the draw to Boston University’s Gastronomy Program is being surrounded by Boston’s vibrant food scene. From the ever growing list of fine dining establishments to the omnipresent farmers markets showcasing the rich variety […]

TEDxManhattan Viewing Party

TED talks have taken the world by storm as they bring together professionals and amateurs alike, to talk about big ideas. This Saturday, March 1, 2014, the Gastronomy Students Association would like to invite you to a viewing party of TEDxManhattan’s: Changing the Way We Eat. They will be streaming the conference live and would love […]