Category: Courses

posts describing courses

To Reimagine or Regress?

Today’s guest post is from Steven Finn, who teaches a class on food waste for the Gastronomy Program. Steven Finn is Vice President for Food Waste Prevention at Leanpath, Inc. and Co-founder and Managing Director for ResponsEcology, Inc. MET ML626, Addressing Food Waste for a Sustainable Food System, will be offered in the spring 2021 […]

Course Spotlight: Cookbooks and History

What can cookbooks and recipes tell us about an individual? A community? A culture? What does the language of the recipe say about systems of knowledge and ways of thinking about the world? The movement of ingredients and food technology? The transmission of cooking knowledge? Does the analysis of historical cookbooks have contemporary applications? In […]

Course Spotlight: U.S. Food Policy and Cultural Politics

  In response to the food-system challenges of pandemic and structural violence, Dr. Ellen Messer has been  revising MET ML 721, “US Food Policy and Cultural Politics” to integrate themes from our cutting edge conversations.  New formats and materials include integration of new readings and  Zoom recordings on food-security issues associated with pandemic and racial […]