Category: News

Styling: At the Intersection of Photography and Food

By Daryl Mogilewsky I took a photography course last year while I was living in Austin, Texas. A few classes in, a fellow student asked the instructor if we would be covering “food photography” in the course material. Austin is a food hub, after all. The instructor replied with a slight smirk and a quip […]

Food & Wine Instructor on History of Chinese Food in Boston

Many American cities have their own “Chinatown” neighborhoods, but do they also have their own varieties of Chinese food? And how did they come to be? BU Anthropology Professor Merry White weighed in on the history of Boston’s Chinatown, and the characteristics of regional food. Sharing insight on WBUR, on those dishes unique to the Boston […]

Gastronomy Chef Makes Gourmet Meals Easy

Amanda Mayo (MET’08, GRS’17) is the creative force behind Pantry—a new Brookline market where customers can shop for meals whose ingredients have already been assembled and portioned, simplifying and streamlining their cooking process and presenting an affordable alternative to restaurant dining. Speaking with BU Today, the Gastronomy program instructor calls her venture “the recipe kit […]

Jacques Pépin Favorably Compared to Statue of Liberty

Pépin, a forerunner to the modern world of televised cooking instruction,  views the kitchen as a place not for competition, but for appreciation—and it is that spirit which earned the chef a spot as one of America’s most cherished French imports. On chef Jacques Pépin’s 80th birthday, recently celebrated by the University as part of […]