Group News
Group Members to Present at Upcoming ACS Meeting
This week, several group members from the Jeffries-EL team will be presenting their newest findings on the characterization and synthesis of organic semiconducting materials for OPV and OLED application. Come by and check them out! Evan Muller: "Investigating naphtho[1,2-b:5,6-b’]difuran (NDF) as an electron rich co-monomer in donor-acceptor conjugated polymer systems utilizing... More
Dr. Jeffries-EL named a 2018 ACS Fellow
This summer, the American Chemical Society (ACS) deemed our own Dr. Jeffries-EL as a 2018 ACS Fellow. Thanks to her contributions and research in the field of chemistry, Jeffries-EL will be recognized for her achievement at the Fall ACS Conference here in Boston on August 20th.
Group Bids Farewell to Summer 2018 Students
The Jeffries-EL group said their 'goodbyes' to two bright and up-coming chemists this week. Hard at work for the past two months, they have synthesized new, novel materials for organic electronic devices. DeZhanae McCall-Butler's (pictured left) work consisted of BBO-based, donor-acceptor photovoltaic polymers for renewable energy application. Simone Tennyson (pictured... More
Jeffries-EL members publish exciting new work
A set of new naptho[1,2-b:5,6-b']difuran polymers were synthesized and investigated with the help of Evan Muller, Alfred Burney-Allen, and Dr. Jessica Shaw. The time-resolved spectroscopic properties elucidate the potential of these polymers use in photovoltaic devices. Read the full article here:
Professor Jeffries-EL to give the Keynote Address at the Karle Symposia
Prof. Jeffries-EL to give the 2017 Long Lecture at Westminster College, PA.
The 2017 Ken and Nancy Long Chemistry Lecture will be given by Professor Malika Jeffries-EL Friday, Nov. 10. She will give a scientific talk: Design and synthesis of organic semiconductors for advanced applications at noon. She will give a public seminar: Diversity Lecture, Malika Jeffries-EL: Taking the road less traveled: My journey to the Ivory... More
Prof. Jeffries-EL to give the 2017 Dow Distinguished Lecture at UCSB
Spring 2017 DOW Distinguished Lecture, will be given by professor Malika Jeffries-EL. The graduate students for diversity in the sciences (GSDS) hosts well-known individuals from academia, industry, and national labs to campus two to three times each academic calendar. These campus visits include two talks: a technical talk describing their work and a diversity talk, frequently... More
Demo Chemical Inventory Link
We have a demo for a new chemical inventory system for the group. Please contact Nicole to get an account. Here is the link.
Alfred Burney-Allen recieves NESACS-GDCh Fellowship
This month Alfred will travel with a group of 12 students and a number of faculty and industrial representatives to Germany. There he will make a poster presentation on his research at the Frühjahrssymposium, a well-established international event for young chemist, in particular undergraduate and PhD students of chemistry and related subjects. The event... More
The next generation of semiconductors
Professor Malika Jeffries-EL looks to one of the most abundant elements to solve one of the world’s most pressing problems Chemistry professor Malika Jeffries-EL studies carbon-based polymers. She’s looking for new materials for the next generation of semiconductors. Photos by Cydney Scott For Malika Jeffries-EL, the love affair began at science camp. More