Pio and Marston poster available online
The poster presented by Kayla Pio (undergraduate, University of Michigan) and John M. Marston based on their collaborative work last summer during the 2015 NSF REU-sponsored BAKOTA field school season is now available on the BAKOTA website here.
Ubik to present poster at 81st Annual SAA meeting
Emily Ubik and John M. Marston will present a poster titled "Wheat and Barley Morphometrics: A New Method for Quantifying Ancient Cereal Varietals" at the SAA conference Friday, April 8 at 1:30pm.
Codlin presenting at 81st Annual SAA meeting
Maria Codlin will be presenting at on "Social Landscapes and Kapu in the Hawaiian Islands: A Case Study from the Ka'û district, Hawai'i Island" at the Society for American Archaeology in the general session "Archaeology of Oceania" at 10:45 am Saturday 9th April.
Goldfield presenting at 81st Annual SAA Meetings
Anna Goldfield will present her research on Neanderthal fire use and extinction in the general session "European Zooarchaeology" on Thursday, April 7 at 4:30pm.
Marston discussant at SAA session on household archeobotany
Marston will be a discussant for the session "Archaeoethnobotany and Household Contexts" at the 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology on Thursday morning, April 7.
Marston to present at Society of Ethnobiology Conference
Marston will present new research on Early and Middle Holocene wood acquisition and woodland ecology from the Fayum of Egypt at the 2016 annual conference of the Society of Ethnobiology in Tucson, Arizona. Read more here. #SoE2016
Marston quoted in article on the “next age” of humanity
Marston is quoted in the Naturecultures series on the role of plastic in the archaeology of the modern age.
Marston Journal of Ethnobiology article selected for Open Access
Marston's recent article in Journal of Ethnobiology has been selected for open access and is freely available here.
New Marston article on resilience in agricultural systems
New Marston article published in the Journal of Ethnobiology entitled "Modeling Resilience and Sustainability in Ancient Agricultural Systems". Find it here.
Codlin research profiled by BU Research
Maria Codlin's research on faunal remains from Teotihuacan is profiled as part of an interactive article on the BU Research website. Scroll down to the section "Meet the students" and click on Maria. She is also featured in a video accompanying the article, available on YouTube as well.