Category: Publications

New article on early Holocene Egyptian woodlands by Marston et al.

A new article by Marston, together with colleagues Willeke Wendrich (UCLA) and Simon Holdaway (U Auckland), entitled “Early and Middle Holocene wood exploitation in the Fayum basin, Egypt” has just been published in The Holocene. This paper explores woodland use by early agropastoral groups prior to the mid-Holocene desertification of the Sahara.

Marston article on wood charcoal analysis available free online

An article by Marston “Unlocking Ancient Environmental Change with the Help of Living Trees” appeared recently in Arnoldia, the magazine of the Arnold Arboretum. In the article, Marston explains archaeological applications of wood charcoal analysis, as well as the ongoing partnership between the Arnold Arboretum and the Environmental Archaeology Laboratory, and highlights the role this partnership plays […]

First issue of Open Quaternary published

We are happy to announce that Open Quaternary, the only gold open-access journal for Quaternary science, published its inaugural issue on March 9th, 2015. The issue features an editorial and three original research & methods papers, available at John M. Marston is a member of the editorial board for Open Quaternary.

New Forste article in print!

Kathleen Forste is a co-author of a newly published article in the Journal of Ethnobiology entitled “Disturbing Developments: An Archaeobotanical Perspective on Pinyon-Juniper Woodland Fire Ecology, Economic Resource Production, and Ecosystem History.” Read it here: Sullivan, Berkebile, Forste, and Washam 2015 JOE Congratulations, Kathleen!

New Marston book in print!

Method and Theory in Paleoethnobotany (edited by John M. Marston, Jade d’Alpoim Guedes, and Christina Warinner) is now in print and available from University Press of Colorado and Amazon!