Check out the latest CAS Newsletter featuring Marston’s new book Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion: Gordion Special Studies 8. Marston examines botanical remains from nine years of excavation at Gordion, synthesizing archaeobotanical works from previous seasons. This book makes Gordion one of the best published agricultural datasets from the entire Near East; allowing comparative work for fellow […]
Marston’s latest book, Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion, has been released by the University of Pennsylvania Press and is now available for purchase; the book is also available through Amazon. The raw, sample-by-sample data on which the book is based are archived through the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR) and available for download here. Note that Naomi […]
Marston’s forthcoming book Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Change at Ancient Gordion is available for preorder through the University of Pennsylvania Press here. It should ship in August.
Marston’s latest review article, “Consequences of Agriculture in Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and the Levant”, has just been published online in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Agriculture and the Environment and is available open access here in both html and PDF formats. Take a look!
A new article by Marston, together with colleagues Willeke Wendrich (UCLA) and Simon Holdaway (U Auckland), entitled “Early and Middle Holocene wood exploitation in the Fayum basin, Egypt” has just been published in The Holocene. This paper explores woodland use by early agropastoral groups prior to the mid-Holocene desertification of the Sahara.
An article by Marston “Unlocking Ancient Environmental Change with the Help of Living Trees” appeared recently in Arnoldia, the magazine of the Arnold Arboretum. In the article, Marston explains archaeological applications of wood charcoal analysis, as well as the ongoing partnership between the Arnold Arboretum and the Environmental Archaeology Laboratory, and highlights the role this partnership plays […]
A new article by Marston and Scott Branting, director of the Kerkenes archaeological project, has been recently published in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. The article can be downloaded for free until August 26, 2016, using this link.
New Marston article published in the Journal of Ethnobiology entitled “Modeling Resilience and Sustainability in Ancient Agricultural Systems”. Find it here.
New article entitled “Scholarly motivations to conduct interdisciplinary climate change research”, co-authored by Marston and five others. Find it online here.