
Content will always matter, so as the culture

By Yanni ChenDecember 22nd, 2017in Events, News

In the January of 1996, Bill Gates published an article on Microsoft website called “Content is King”. No doubt, this phrase has a tremendous impact on the traditional media industry. However, the media landscape has changed rapidly due to new technologies which have also led to globalization as well as... More

Does television ruin public discourse?

By Yuting LeDecember 22nd, 2017in Events, News

In the year of 1941, television was first licensed for commercial broadcasting. Since then, a broad array of new ways to entertain have been introduced to ordinary Americans’ lives (Gentzkow, 2006). Criticizers and researchers condemned that it fashions an entertaining culture which ruins public discourse. As Postman(1985) argued in... More

Our Culture of Technology

By Zoe TanDecember 22nd, 2017in Events, News

In a world of globalization, homogenization, McDonaldization, and all the other --izations that have been created to signify the “sameness” of cultures around the world, does content and culture affect how we use our technology? According to the Apparatgeist paradigm devised by Katz and Aakhus (2002), people and media technology are... More

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Revolutions of the printing press

By Muyang ZhouDecember 22nd, 2017in Events, News

The development of human civilization has always been inseparable from the effective communication of thoughts and ideas. Saying has it that two minds are greater than one. If information is extremely controlled and manipulated by a few people on the top, dawn of the true enlightenment and civilization will hardly... More