People Again

Core Faculty:

salatDavid H. Salat, Ph.D.
Director, NeRVe Center
Research Interestsaging, age-associated neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimer’s disease, dementia), traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, neuroimaging methodology development (e.g., diffusion)

Hayes_scope3Scott M. Hayes, Ph.D.
Associate Director, NeRVe Center
Research Interestsmemory, aging, medial temporal lobe amnesia, mild cognitive impairment, posttraumatic stress disorder, mild traumatic brain injury, physical fitness
mikeMichael Esterman, Ph.D.
Associate Director of Functional Imaging, NeRVe Center
Research Interestsattentional control, PTSD, TBI, focal brain injury, fMRI, TMS, tCS


leritzElizabeth C. Leritz, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Training and Education, NeRVe Center
Research Interestsaging, memory


jasmeetJasmeet P. Hayes, Ph.D.
Research Interests: trauma, PTSD, memory, TBI, emotion-cognition interactions

JMSpielberg_nobgJeffrey M. Spielberg, Ph.D.
Associate Director for Neuroimaging Analysis Development, NeRVe Center
Research Interests: anxiety, trauma, PTSD, mood disorders (depression, bipolar), connectomics, motivation, executive function, neuroimaging methodology development (e.g., graph theory)


Center Staff:

ginoGino Jackson, M.S., Major USMC (Retired)
Administrative Officer, NeRVe Center



image1Tom Graf, B.S.
Computer Scientist, NeRVe Center



IMG_0394Dustin Clark, M.S.
Health Science Specialist, NeRVe Center



Affiliated Faculty:

FullSizeRenderMelissa Amick, Ph.D.

Research InterestsTBI, PTSD, suicide ideation, spinal cord injury, neuropsychology

mcglincheyRegina McGlinchey, Ph.D.
Research Interestsneuropsychological deficits in psychiatric and neurological populations



milberg_1William Milberg, Ph.D.
Research Interestsbrain organization and information processing in aging related diseases


NaomiNaomi Sadeh, Ph.D.
Research Interests: stress-related dysregulation, impulsivity, self-destructive behavior, development & course of PTSD, non-suicidal self-injury, suicide, violence, gender specific risk factors
verfMieke Verfaellie, Ph.D.
Research Interestscognitive and neural bases of memory, memory disorders (e.g., selective amnesia), traumatic brain injury



Affiliated Postdocs:

vincentVincent Corbo, Ph.D.
Research InterestsPTSD, childhood trauma, stress, anxiety

Francesca Fortenbaugh, Ph.D.
Research Interestsspace perception, sustained attention, MVPA and connectivity analyses


dmiller_headshotDanielle R. Miller, Ph.D.
Research InterestsDTI, TBI, PTSD, fMRI, functional connectivity, cognitive control


palumboDaniela J. Palombo, Ph.D.
Research Interestsmemory, decision making, medial temporal lobes, amnesia

Victoria Poole, Ph.D.
Research Interests: attention, TBI, falls, mobility, aging, CV risk


meghan_headshot_scaleMeghan E. Robinson, Ph.D.
Research Interests: TBI, blast exposure, trauma-related neurodegeneration



Affiliated Grad Students:

arkadiyArkadiy Maksimovskiy, B.A.
Research Interests: reward, attention, addiction, psychopathology, frontal lobes, decision making


NeRVe Alumni:

dmiller_headshotDanielle R. Miller, Ph.D.

Danielle completed her graduate training in DTI and fMRI of traumatic brain injury with the NeRVe. She earned her Ph.D. in Behavioral Neurosciences through Boston University School of Medicine in 2016 and was awarded a T32 Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System to continue her research in neuroimaging of TBI.