Scott Hayes

- Title
- Associate Director, NeRVe Center
Research Psychologist, VA Boston Healthcare System
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine - Office
- VA Boston Healthcare System, D11-112
- Education
- 2006-2009: Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and Bryan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Duke University
2005-2006: Clinical Psychology Internship, VA Boston Consortium, Harvard Medical School, Boston University School of Medicine
2006: Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (emphasis: Neuropsychology), University of Arizona
2003: M.A., Clinical Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Arizona
1998: B.A., Biology, Psychology, Skidmore College
My research examines the neural underpinnings of memory. We use structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to examine brain regions and neural networks that are impacted by aging and disease processes (medial temporal lobe amnesia, mild cognitive impairment, posttraumatic stress disorder, mild traumatic brain injury), and how these age- and disease-related neural alterations impact memory. A current emphasis in the lab is the examination of the relationship between physical activity and fitness, the brain, and cognition. See the Memory and Neuroimaging Lab website for additional information.