Zhenpeng Zuo

Earth & Environment

  • Title Earth & Environment
  • Education University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, B.E.
    Boston University, M.A.

Zhenpeng Zuo is a Ph.D. candidate in Earth & Environment, which he entered in September 2020. He is also a 4th-year trainee of URBAN. His research focuses on simulating and predicting forest restoration potential in terms of forest demography and carbon sequestration. This work aims to inform carbon accounting and restoration planning activities. Zhenpeng earned his BE in Spatial Informatics and Digital Technology from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and his MA in Remote Sensing and Geospatial Sciences from BU. He has served as a teaching fellow for 7 semesters, instructing courses in Earth sciences, GIS, and quantitative methods, and received an Outstanding Teaching Fellow Award in 2023-2024. When he’s not researching or studying, Zhenpeng enjoys kayaking and caring for his 13 pet zebra finches

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