Taylor Adams
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan
- Title Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Michigan
- Email tadams15@bu.edu
- Education University of Tennessee, Knoxville, BS
Boston University, PhD
Taylor Adams earned a Ph.D. from Boston University’s Department of Earth & Environment. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with a Biomolecular Concentration at the University of Tennessee in 2016. Taylor performed research investigating the effects of heat activated persulfate on the degradation of furfural for the Environmental Engineering department, which sparked his interest in environmentally relevant research. Taylor’s research interests lie in investigating intra-urban air quality patterns and improving the ability to map and predict pollution from various human-influenced sources. Taylor worked for two popular food and beverage companies – Anheuser Busch (Budweiser) and Kellogg’s.
Check out Taylor’s talk about his research at the 2021 URBAN Spring Symposium here!