Claire Duvallet

Senior Data Scientist at Biobot Analytics

  • Title Senior Data Scientist at Biobot Analytics

Dr. Claire Duvallet is a Senior Data Scientist at Biobot Analytics, where she leads the company’s data science and computational biology efforts to transform wastewater into a public health data source. As part of her role, she coordinates a team of researchers spanning computational biology, environmental engineering, applied statistics, and epidemiology to derive useful public health insights from Biobot’s vast wastewater dataset. Claire also provides critical support to seamlessly connect Biobot’s data across lab, data science, and software engineering teams. Finally, Claire also works to communicate the science behind Biobot’s data and its public health value to Biobot’s customers, public health officials, and the public.

Before joining Biobot, Claire received her PhD from the Biological Engineering department at MIT, where she studied the relationship between the human microbiome and health and disease. In her thesis, she applied data science methods to complex biological datasets in order to extract practical insights about the clinical implications of human-associated microbial communities. During her PhD, Claire was also an active leader in her department and at MIT, advocating for graduate students through diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and as a trained conflict coach for her peers. Before MIT, Claire received her undergradaute degree in biomedical engineering from Columbia University, and then spent one year living in Cambodia as a Luce Scholar, working for Engineering World Health to train medical equipment technicians in local hospitals.

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