Alina McIntyre

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Silent Spring Institute/Northeastern University

  • Title Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Silent Spring Institute/Northeastern University
  • Education Tufts University, B.A.
    Johns Hopkins, M.H.S.
    Boston University School of Public Health, Ph.D.

Alina McIntyre is a recent graduate of the Boston University School of Public Health’s Environmental Health PhD Program. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in both Community Health and Spanish at Tufts University, Alina completed a Master’s degree in Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research is part of the Chelsea and East Boston Heat Study (C-HEAT), a collaborative project between GreenRoots, Inc. and BUSPH. She is specifically involved in community-engaged heat and air pollution exposure research, drawing on environmental epidemiology, exposure assessment, and qualitative methods.

Check out Alina’s talk about her research at the 2021 URBAN Spring Symposium here!

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