Post-Internship Assessment Please complete this form after you complete your internship. We are collecting this information for BU URBAN project evaluation and reporting purposes. Your names and personal information related to your answers will be kept confidential. Name* First Last Email* Internship organization name* Did any of the following information about your internship change since the pre-internship assessment?*Key contact name or email, organization address, type of organization... Yes No Name of key contact at internship organization First Last Email for key contact at internship organization Address of internship organization Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code What kind of internship organization did you work with? Government (City, State, Federal) Private Industry Non-Governmental Organization Please share the goals you set for yourself in your Letter of Agreement*Please give a short overview of your project*If your project changed from when you started, that is ok. Please make note of it here. In total, how many hours did you work for your internship?* For the next three questions, please indicate the extent to which you disagree or agree with the following statements. 1) I achieved the goals outlined in my Letter of Agreement.*Please select1 - I strongly disagree2 - I disagree3 - I neither disagree nor agree4 - I agree5 - I strongly agreeNot applicable2) My technical skillset was adequate to complete all portions of my project*Please select1 - I strongly disagree2 - I disagree3 - I neither disagree nor agree4 - I agree5 - I strongly agreeNot applicable3) This experience was related to the academic discipline of my PhD dissertation..*Please select1 - I strongly disagree2 - I disagree3 - I neither disagree nor agree4 - I agree5 - I strongly agreeNot applicable4) This experience included work in an academic discipline outside of my PhD dissertation*Please select1 - I strongly disagree2 - I disagree3 - I neither disagree nor agree4 - I agree5 - I strongly agreeNot applicable4) This experience was related to my career goals.*Please select1 - I strongly disagree2 - I disagree3 - I neither disagree nor agree4 - I agree5 - I strongly agreeNot applicableDescribe your career goals and lay out in more detail how this internship did or did not contribute to these goals.*Describe which technical and non-technical skills you used most during this internship.*Please enter one skillset per answer box (e.g. GIS). You can add as many skills as you want. To list more skills press the "+" button on the right. Are there any technical and non-technical skills you learned as part of your internship experience?*Please enter one skillset per answer box (e.g. GIS). You can add as many skills as you want. To list more skills press the "+" button on the right. Please describe what you got out of this internship experience.*Please tell us what you learned from experience. For example, job prospect, new skillset, connections, understanding of how to apply scientific knowledge to real world problems.What aspects of this internship were challenging to you?*Please tell us which challenges you encountered. For example, difficulty acquiring all necessary information/data, communication, analytical methods. Now that your internship has formally ended, what plans, if any, do you have to continue your relationship with your host organization?*If not applicable, write N/A Share this:Click to share on LinkedInClick to email this to a friendClick to printMoreClick to share on Google+Click to Press This!Click to share on TumblrClick to share on RedditClick to share on StumbleUponClick to share on PinterestShare on FacebookClick to share on TwitterClick to share on Pocket