Welcome to the eleven students who will be joining the lab this summer: Adi Briskin is a rising sophomore at Washington University in St. Louis double-majoring in English and Linguistics. Her interests are in language acquisition. Eliana Mugar (CAS ’23) is a rising senior majoring in Linguistics and Computer Science. Her interests are in computational […]
Congratulations to PAMLabbie Felix Kpogo on receiving a short-term Graduate Research Abroad Fellowship (GRAF) from the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences to support summer fieldwork in Ghana! Well-done, Felix!
PhD student Danielle Dionne will be presenting results from the Asian Americans in Boston project in a poster (co-authored with Prof. Chang) entitled “Sociophonetic variation among Asian Americans: The role of ethnicity and style” at the 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) on May 23. Danielle was also admitted to the 2022 […]
PhD student Kevin Samejon will be presenting his research at two conferences in May: “Stress-conditioned vowel change in reduplicated and suffixed words: Evidence from Cebuano /u/”, a poster at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS31), hosted by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa “Acoustic and social dimensions of word-final /z/ production: Data […]
Congratulations to Kate Fraser, whose work on the Asian Americans in Boston project was accepted for presentation at the UC Berkeley Society of Linguistics Undergraduate Students (SLUgS) 6th Annual Undergraduate Linguistics Symposium! The title of the presentation is “Listener perception and identification of Asian American Speech”. Brava, Kate!
Welcome to the research interns who will be joining the lab this semester: Cheng Jia (Stella) Miao is a senior majoring in Linguistics and Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences. Her interests are in phonetics and phonology, multilingualism/bilingualism, and sociolinguistics. She will be working primarily on the Asian Americans in Boston project. James Rice is a […]
Labbies were active at this weekend’s 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 2022): PhD student Megan Brown gave the talk “Regressive cross-linguistic influence in multilingual speech program: The primacy of typological similarity” (co-authored with Prof. Chang) in the Friday morning Bilingualism session, and PhD student Felix Kpogo gave the poster “A […]
PhD student Felix Kpogo just published an article entitled “Acquisition of doubly articulated stops among Ga-speaking children” (Kpogo, Gathercole, & Tetteh, 2021) in the Journal of African Languages and Linguistics! Abstract: This study investigates the acquisition of labio-velar stops by Ga-speaking children in Ghana. Such stops were elicited in initial, intervocalic, and pre-lateral positions through a […]
Summer RA Kate Fraser (CAS ’22) presented a poster (“Listener perception and identification of Asian American speech”) at the 24th annual Boston University UROP Symposium on Friday, October 22 (11am-1pm, GSU Metcalf Ballroom). Congratulations to Kate!