Category: Faculty

Welcome to Prof. Lindsey!

Welcome to Prof. Kate Lindsey, a new faculty affiliate of the lab. Prof. Lindsey is a phonologist who specializes in the study of Ende and other languages of southern New Guinea. Her research interests are in underspecification and variation in phonological systems, vowel harmony and phonological reduplication, fieldwork and language documentation, and language typology. Please […]

Paper on sustained phonetic drift in JPhon

A research article entitled “Language change and linguistic inquiry in a world of multicompetence: Sustained phonetic drift and its implications for behavioral linguistic research” (Chang, 2019) has been published in the “Plasticity of Native Phonetic and Phonological Domains in the Context of Bilingualism” special issue of Journal of Phonetics, guest-edited by Drs. Esther de Leeuw and Chiara […]