Congratulations to Prof. Chang on receiving a Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers for the 2024-25 academic year! Prof. Chang will use this fellowship to carry out research on multilingual phonetics and phonology at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing in Munich, hosted by Prof. Jonathan Harrington.
Prof. Chang has been awarded the inaugural Anne Cutler International Visiting Fellowship. With the support of this fellowship, he will visit the MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development in Sydney in Spring 2024, hosted by Dr. Mark Antoniou. Kudos to Prof. Chang!
Congratulations to lab alum Danielle Dionne (GRS ’23) on the successful defense of her doctoral dissertation! After graduation, Danielle will be joining Duolingo as a Learning Scientist. Well-done, Danielle!
We’re delighted to announce that lab alum Yiin Wang (GRS ’23) is headed to the University of Chicago next year to start a PhD in the Department of Linguistics. Way to go, Yiin!
Lab alum Yifan Wu (Xiamen U. ’23) will be moving to Cornell University next year to start a PhD in the Department of Linguistics. Well-done and congratulations, Yifan!
We’re thrilled to hear that lab alum Dominique Lopiccolo (GRS ’19) is headed to the University of Delaware next year to start a PhD in the Department of Linguistics & Cognitive Science. Congratulations, Dom! We’re so proud of you!
Congratulations to Prof. Chang on receiving an Undergraduate Research Assistance Grant from BU’s Center for Innovation in Social Science to support student research in the lab in Summer 2022!
Congratulations to PAMLabbie Felix Kpogo on receiving a short-term Graduate Research Abroad Fellowship (GRAF) from the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences to support summer fieldwork in Ghana! Well-done, Felix!
PhD student Danielle Dionne will be presenting results from the Asian Americans in Boston project in a poster (co-authored with Prof. Chang) entitled “Sociophonetic variation among Asian Americans: The role of ethnicity and style” at the 182nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) on May 23. Danielle was also admitted to the 2022 […]