- Jonathan Chamberlain, David Starobinski, and Joel T Johnson. “Facilitating Spectrum Sharing with Passive Satellite Incumbents.” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, accepted.
- Pranet Sharma, Zhenpeng Shi, Sevval Simsek, David Starobinski, and David Sastre Medina. “Understanding Similarlities and Differences Between Software Composition Analysis Tools.” IEEE Security and Privacy, accepted. [DOI]
- Stefan Gvozdenovic, Johannes K. Becker, John Mikulskis, and David Starobinski, “IoT-Scan: Network Reconnaissance for the Internet of Things,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J), Vol: 11, Issue: 8, pp. 13091-13107, April 2024. [PDF] [DOI]
- Jungyeol Kim, Rohan Saraogi, Saswati Sarkar, David Starobinski, and Santosh Venkatesh, “Capturing the Spread of Information in Heterogeneous V2X through Scalable Computation,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 1540-1555, April 2024. [PDF]
- Zhenpeng Shi, Nikolay Matyunin, Kalman Graffi, and David Starobinski. “Uncovering CWE-CVE-CPE Relations with Threat Knowledge Graphs,” ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS, previously known as TISSEC), Vol. 27, Issue 1, Article No. 13, pp. 1-26, February 2024. [DOI]
Refereed Conferences
- Nicholas Brendle, Joel T Johnson, David Starobinski, and Jonathan Chamberlain. “Estimating the Retreival Performance of Passive Remote Sensing Under Alternate Spectrum Sharing Scenarios.” IEEE IGARSS 2024, July 2024. [DOI]
- Jonathan Chamberlain, Joel T Johnson, and David Starobinski. “Spectrum Sharing between Earth Exploration Satellite and Commerical Services: An Economic Feasibility Analysis,” IEEE DySpan 2024, May 2024 (Runner Up Best Paper Award, Policy Track). [DOI]
- Zhenpeng Shi, David Starobinski, and Ariel Orda, “Social Cost Analysis of Shared/Buy-in Computing Systems,” ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation (TEAC), Vol. 11, Issue 3-4, Article No. 9, pp. 1–36, December 2023. [DOI] [PDF]
- Novak Boskov, Ari Trachtenberg and David Starobinski, “Enabling Cost-Benefit Analysis of Data Sync Protocols,” IEEE Computer, Vol. 56, No. 10, pp. 62-71, October 2023. [PDF]
- Johannes K. Becker and David Starobinski, “Snout: A Middleware Platform for Software-Defined Radios,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 644-657, March 2023. [PDF]
Refereed Conferences
- Novak Boskov, Sevval Simsek, Ari Trachtenberg and David Starobinski, “SREP: Out-Of-Band Sync of Transaction Pools for Large-Scale Blockchains,” IEEE ICBC 2023, May 2023 (Best paper award). [PDF]
- Furkan Ercan, Kevin Galligan, D. Starobinski, Muriel Medard, Ken R. Duffy, and Rabia T. Yazicigil, “GRAND-EDGE: A Universal, Jamming-resilient Algorithm with Error-and-Erasure Decoding,” IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2023, Rome, Italy, May 2023. [PDF]
- Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Empirical Comparison of Block Relay Protocols,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 3960-3974, December 2022. [PDF]
- Novak Boškov, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “GenSync: A New Framework for Benchmarking and Optimizing Reconciliation of Data,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 4408-4423, December 2022. [PDF]
- L. Samuels, N. Boskov, A.F. Oliveira, E. Sun, D. Starobinski, A. Trachtenberg, M. Varia, M. Monga M, R. Canetti R, A. Devaiah, G.V.Denis, “Automated Exposure Notification for COVID-19,” Journal of Young Investigators, Vol. 25, No. 12, December 2022. [PDF]
- Zhenpeng Shi, Kalman Graffi, David Starobinski, and Nikolay Matyunin, “Threat Modeling Tools: A Taxonomy,” IEEE Security & Privacy, Vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 29-39, July-August 2022. [PDF]
Refereed Conferences
- Furkan Ercan, Kevin Galligan, Ken R. Duffy, Muriel Medard, David Starobinski and Rabia T. Yazicigil, “A General Security Approach for Soft-information Decoding against Smart Bursty Jammers,” IEEE Globecom Workshops 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022. [PDF]
- Johannes K. Becker and David Starobinski, “Optimizing Freshness in IoT Scans,” IEEE WF-IoT 2022, Yokohama, Japan, November 2022 (3rd place Best paper award). [PDF]
- Zhenpeng Shi, Nikolay Matyunin, Kalman Graffi, and David Starobinski, “Uncovering Product Vulnerabilities with Threat Knowledge Graphs,” IEEE SecDev 2022, Atlanta, GA, October 2022. [PDF]
- Stefan Gvozdenovic, Johannes K. Becker, John, Mikulskis, and David Starobinski, “Multi-Protocol IoT Network Reconnaissance,” IEEE CNS 2022, Austin, TX, October 2022. [PDF]
- Jonathan Chamberlain and David Starobinski, “Game Theoretic Analysis of Citizens Broadband Radio Service,” RAWNET 2022, Turin, Italy, September 2022. [PDF]
- Jonathan Chamberlain, Eran Simhon, and David Starobinski, “Preemptible Queues with Advance Reservations: Strategic Behavior and Revenue Management,” European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 561-578, September 2021. [PDF].
- Liangxiao Xin and David Starobinski, “Countering Cascading Denial of Service Attacks on Wi-Fi Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 1335-1348, June 2021. [PDF]
- Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Investigating Orphan Transactions in the Bitcoin Network,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1718-1731, June 2021. [PDF]
- Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, David Starobinski, Ari Trachtenberg, and Nabeel Younis, “Churn in the Bitcoin Network,” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1598-1615, June 2021. [PDF]
- Jonathan Chamberlain and David Starobinski, “Strategic Revenue Management of Preemptive versus Non-preemptive Queues,” Operations Research Letters (ORL), Vol. 49, pp. 184-187, March 2021. [PDF].
Refereed Conferences
- Nataša Trkulja, David Starobinski, and Randall Berry, “Denial-of-Service Attacks on C-V2X Networks.” AutoSec 2021, February 2021. [PDF]
- Liangxiao Xin, David Starobinski, and Guevara Noubir, “Cascading Attacks on Wi-Fi Networks: Theory and Experiments,” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Vol. 7, pp. 1757-1768, Dec. 2020. [PDF]
- Johannes K. Becker, Stefan Gvozdenovic, Liangxiao Xin, and David Starobinski, “Testing and Fingerprinting the Physical Layer of Wireless Cards with Software-Defined Radios,” Computer Communications, Vol. 160, pp. 186-196, July 2020. [PDF]
- Jonathan Chamberlain and David Starobinski, “Social Welfare and Price of Anarchy in Preemptive Priority Queues,” Operations Research Letters, Vol. 48, pp. 530-533, July 2020. [PDF]
- Zhenpeng Shi, Azer Bestavros, Ariel Orda, and David Starobinski, “A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Shared/Buy-in Computing Systems,” IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Vol. 1, pp. 190-204, 2020. [PDF]
- Jungyeol Kim, Saswati Sarkar, Santosh S. Venkatesh, Megan Smirti Ryerson, David Starobinski, “An Epidemiological Diffusion Framework for Vehicular Messaging in General Transportation Networks,” Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 131, pp. 160-190, 2020. [PDF]
Refereed Conferences
- Novak Boškov, Ari Trachtenberg, and David Starobinski, “Birdwatching: False Negatives in Cuckoo Filters,” in ACM CoNEXT ’20 – Proceedings of the Student Workshop, December 2020. [PDF]
- Stefan Gvozdenovic, Johannes K. Becker, and David Starobinski, “SDR-based PHY Characterization of Zigbee Devices,” in 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS ’20), Springfield, MA, USA, August 2020. [PDF]
- Stefan Gvozdenovic, Johannes K. Becker, John Mikulskis, and David Starobinski, “Truncate after Preamble: PHY-based Starvation Attacks on IoT Networks,” in 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec ’20), Linz (Virtual Event), Austria, 2020. [PDF]
- Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Characterizing Orphan Transactions in the Bitcoin Network,” in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC ’20), Toronto (Virtual Conference), Canada, 2020. (Best paper award) [DOI] [PDF]
- Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, David Starobinski, Ari Trachtenberg, and Nabeel Younis, “Churn in the Bitcoin Network: Characterization and Impact”, in 5th New England Network and Systems (NENS) Day (NENS ’19), Cambridge, MA, USA, 2019.
- Rabia Yazicigil, Deepak Gopalan, and David Starobinski, “Security Assessment of Wideband Spectrum Sensors,” in 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN ’19), Newark, NJ, USA, 2019. [PDF]
- Bowen Song and Ari Trachtenberg, “Scalable String Reconciliation by Recursive Content-Dependent Shingling,” in 2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Monticello, IL, USA, 2019. Accepted.
- Trishita Tiwari and Ari Trachtenberg, “Alternative (ab)uses for HTTP Alternative Services,” in 13th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT 19), Santa Clara, CA, 2019. [PDF]
- Julissa Milligan, Sarah Scheffler, Andrew Sellars, Trishita Tiwari, Ari Trachtenberg, and Mayank Varia, “Case Study: Disclosure of Indirect Device Fingerprinting in Privacy Policies,” in 9th Workshop in Socio-Technical Aspects in Security (STAST’19), 2019. In press. [arXiv]
- Liangxiao Xin, Johannes K Becker, Stefan Gvozdenovic, and David Starobinski, “Benchmarking the Physical Layer of Wireless Cards using Software-Defined Radios,” in 22nd Int’l ACM Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM ’19), Miami Beach, FL, USA, 2019. [PDF]
- John Mikulskis, Johannes K Becker, Stefan Gvozdenovic, and David Starobinski, “Poster: Snout – An Extensible IoT Pen-Testing Tool,” in 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’19), London, United Kingdom, 2019. [PDF]
- Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, David Starobinski, Ari Trachtenberg, and Nabeel Younis, “Churn in the Bitcoin Network: Characterization and Impact,” in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2019, pp. 431–439. [DOI]
- Trishita Tiwari, Avraham Klausner, Mikhail Andreev, Ari Trachtenberg, and Arkady Yerukhimovich, “Location Leakage from Network Access Patterns,” in 2019 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2019. [DOI] [arXiv]
- Johannes K Becker, David Li, and David Starobinski, “Tracking Anonymized Bluetooth Devices,” Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), vol. 2019, no. 3, 2019. (to be presented at PETS 2019 Symposium). [DOI] [PDF]
- Yihao Hu, Ari Trachtenberg, and Prakash Ishwar, “Collaborative Privacy for Web Applications,” in 2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), Allerton Park and Retreat Center, Monticello, IL, USA, 2019. Accepted. [arXiv]
- Daniel Gruss, Erik Kraft, Trishita Tiwari, Michael Schwarz, Ari Trachtenberg, Jason Hennessey, Alex Ionescu, and Anders Fogh, “Page Cache Attacks,” in 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’19), 2019, vol. abs/1901.01161. In press. [arXiv]
- Related Vulnerability: CVE-2019-5489
- Wei Si, David Starobinski, and Moshe Laifenfeld, “A Robust Load Balancing and Routing Protocol for Intra-Car Hybrid Wired/Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 250–263, 2019. [DOI]
- Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, Nabeel Younis, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Measuring Bitcoin’s Resilience to Churn”, in 2018 ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC ’18), Boston, MA, USA, 2018.
- Trishita Tiwari, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Distributed Web Mining of Ethereum”. In I. Dinur, S. Dolev, & S. Lodha (Eds.), Cyber Security Cryptography and Machine Learning. CSCML 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 38–54). Springer, Cham. doi
- Eran Simhon and David Starobinski, “Equilibrium and Learning in Queues with Advance Reservations”. arxiv
- Nabeel Younis, Muhammad Anas Imtiaz, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Improving Bitcoin’s Resilience to Churn”. arxiv
- Christopher Liao, Yonatan Klausner, David Starobinski, Eran Simhon, and Azer Bestavros, “A Case Study of a Shared/Buy-In Computing Ecosystem,” Cluster Computing (Springer), Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1595-1606, September 2018. pdf
- Eran Simhon and David Starobinski, “On the Impact of Information Disclosures on Advance Reservations: A Game-Theoretic View,” European Journal of Operations Research (EJOR), Vol. 267, No. 3, pp. 1075-1088, June 2018. pdf
- Liangxiao Xin and David Starobinski, “Mitigation of Cascading Denial of Service Attacks on Wi-Fi Networks,” IEEE CNS 2018, Beijing, China, June 2018
- Eran Simhon and David Starobinski, “Advance Reservation Games,” ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (ToMPECS), Vol. 2, No. 2, May 2017. pdf
- Niloofar Fazlollahi and David Starobinski, “Distance Vector-based Advance Reservation with Delay Performance Guarantees,” Theory of Computing Systems (Springer), Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 194-221, February 2017. pdf
- Eran Simhon, Christopher Liao, and David Starobinski, “Smart Parking Pricing: A Machine Learning Approach,” IEEE Smart Data Pricing Workshop (SDP 2017), Atlanta, GA, May 2017. pdf
- Khai Phan, Ryan Ewing, David Starobinski, and Liangxiao Xin, “Brief Announcement: Passive and Active Attacks on Audience Response Systems using Software Defined Radios,” 19th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS 2017), Boston, MA, November 2017. pdf
- Aylin Turhan, Murat Alanyali, Emir Kavurmacioglu, and David Starobinski, “Dynamic Pricing of Preemptive Service for Secondary Demand,” IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 208-222, June 2016. pdf
- Wei Si, David Starobinski, Morteza Hashemi, Moshe Laifenfeld, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Channel Sensitivity of LIFO-Backpressure: Quirks and Improvements,” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 192-205, June 2016. pdf
- Eran Simhon and David Starobinski, “A Game-Theoretic Perspective on Advance Reservations,” IEEE Network, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 6-11, March-April 2016 (Special issue on Smart Data Pricing). pdf
- Emir Kavurmacioglu, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Competition in Private Commons: Price War or Market Sharing?,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 29-42, February 2016. pdf
- Hashemi, Morteza, Yuval Cassuto, and Ari Trachtenberg. “Fountain codes with nonuniform selection distributions through feedback.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62, no. 7 (2016): 4054-4070.
- Eran Simhon, Yezekael Hayel, David Starobinski, and Quanyan Zhu, “Optimal Information Disclosure Policies in Strategic Queueing Games,” Operations Research Letters, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 109-113, January 2016. pdf
- Khai Phan, David Starobinski, and Liangxiao Xin, “Security Assessment of Audience Response Systems using Software Defined Radios,” IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference 2016, Cambridge, MA, November 2016. pdf
- Yonatan Klausner, Christopher Liao, David Starobinski, Eran Simhon, and Azer Bestavros, “Workload Characterization of the Shared/Buy-in Computing Cluster at Boston University,” IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference 2016, Cambridge, MA, November 2016. pdf
- Liangxiao Xin, David Starobinski, and Guevara Noubir, “Cascading DoS Attacks on Wi-Fi Networks,” IEEE CNS 2016, Philadelphia, PA, October 2016. pdf (Best paper award)
- Wei Si, David Starobinski, and Moshe Laifenfeld, “Protocol-Compliant DoS Attacks on CAN: Demonstration and Mitigation,” IEEE VTC 2016-Fall, Montreal, Canada, September 2016. pdf
- Yerukhimovich, Arkady, Rebecca Balebako, Anne Boustead, Robert K. Cunningham, William Welser IV, Richard Housley, Richard Shay et al. “Can Smartphones and Privacy Coexist?.” (2016). pdf
- Extra Time on an Exam: Suitable Accommodation or Legal Cheating? Chronicle of Higher Education 2016. pdf
- Spensky, Chad, Jeffrey Stewart, Arkady Yerukhimovich, Richard Shay, Ari Trachtenberg, Rick Housley, and Robert K. Cunningham. “SoK: Privacy on Mobile Devices–It’s Complicated.” Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2016, no. 3 (2016): 96-116. pdf
- E. Kavurmacioglu and D. Starobinski, “Network Dimensioning with Carrier Aggregation”, IEEE DySPAN 2015, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2015. pdf
- E. Simhon and D. Starobinski, “On the Impact of Sharing Information in Advance Reservation Systems”, ACM SIGMETRICS NetEcon 2015 Workshop, Portland, OR, June 2015. pdf
- M Timchenko, A Trachtenberg,”Distributed anonymous data collection and feedback”, Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference. pdf
- E. Simhon, C. Cramer, Z. Lister, and D. Starobinski, “Pricing in Dynamic Advance Reservation Games”, IEEE Smart Data Pricing Workshop (SDP 2015), Hong Kong, China, April 2015. pdf
- M. Timchenko and D. Starobinski, “A Simple Laboratory Environment for Real-World Offensive Security Education”, ACM SIGCSE 2015, Kansas City, MO, March 2015. pdf
- Y. Hayel, E. Simhon, D. Starobinski, and Q. Zhu, “Distributed Strategic Mode Selection for Large-Scale D2D Communications Based on Queue State Information”, CISS 2015, Baltimore, MD, March 2015. pdf
- W. Si, D. Starobinski, M. Hashemi, M. Laifenfeld, and A. Trachtenberg, “Channel Sensitivity of LIFO-Backpressure: Quirks and Improvements”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, to appear. pdf
- W. Si, M. Hashemi, L. Xin, D. Starobinski, and A. Trachtenberg, “TeaCP: A Toolkit for Evaluation and Analysis of Collection Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 293-307, June 2015. pdf
- E. Kavurmacioglu, M. Alanyali, and D. Starobinski, “Competition in Private Commons: Price War or Market Sharing?”, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, to appear.
- M. Hashemi, W. Si, M. Laifenfeld, D. Starobinski, and A. Trachtenberg, “Intra-Car Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networking: A Case Study”, IEEE Communications Magazine (Automotive Networking Series), Vol. 52, No. 12, pp. 183-191, December 2014. pdf
- E. Simhon, and D. Starobinski. “Advance Reservation Games and the Price of Conservatism.” ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 42.3 (2014): 33-33.
- E. Simhon and D. Starobinski, Game-theoretic analysis of advance reservation services, in Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2014 48th Annual Conference on. IEEE, 2014. pdf
- C. Orakcal and D. Starobinski, “Jamming-Resistant Rate Adaptation in Wi-Fi Networks,” Performance Evaluation, Vols. 75-76, pp. 50-68, 2014. pdf
- Y. Gilad, A. Herzberg, and A. Trachtenberg, Securing Smartphones: A Micro-TCB Approach IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine 2014 to appear. pdf
- S”ay it ain’t so – An implementation of deniable encryption”, Blackhat Asia 2014 pdf
- Near Real-time Rateless Coding with a Constrained Feedback Budget”, Allerton, 2014 pdf
- A. Klausner, A. Trachtenberg, D. Starobinski, and M. Horenstein,An Overview of the Capabilities and Limitations of Smartphone Sensors, International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 69-80, June 2013. (pdf version available upon request).
- M. Hashemi, A. Trachtenberg, Y. Cassuto, Delete-And-Conquer: Rateless Coding with Constrained Feedback Allerton October 2013 pdf
- W. Si, M. Hashemi, I. Warsawski, M. Laifenfeld, D. Starobinski, and A. Trachtenberg, “TeaCP: a Toolkit for Evaluation and Analysis of Collection Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE COMCAS October 2013 to appear
- A. Kontorovich,.A. Trachtenberg, Deciding unique decodability of bigram counts via finite automata Journal of Computer and System Sciences September 2013 pdf
- E. Kavurmacioglu, M. Alanyali, and D. Starobinski, “Demand-Insensitive Price Relationships in Private Commons,” ACM SIGMETRICS W-PIN+NetEcon 2013 Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, 2013 pdf
- M. Hashemi, W. Si, M. Laifenfeld, D. Starobinski, and A. Trachtenberg, “Intra-car Wireless Sensors Data Collection: A Multi-hop approach,” IEEE VTC 2013-Spring, Dresden, Germany, 2013 pdf
- A. Kontorovich and A. Trachtenberg “Efficiently decoding strings from their shingles” Arxiv preprint arXiv:1204.3293 2012: pdf
- A. Kontorovich and A. Trachtenberg “String reconciliation with unknown edit distance” IEEE ISIT, 2012: pdf
- K. Lin, D. Starobinski, A. Trachtenberg and S. Agarwal “Scheduling Algorithms and Bounds for Rateless Data Dissemination in Dense Wireless Networks” CISS, 2012: pdf
- A. Kontorovich and A. Trachtenberg “Unique decodability for string reconciliation” ITA, 2012.
- Murat Alanyali, Ashraf Al Daoud, and David Starobinski, “Economic Viability of Private Commons: Framework and Guidelines for Profitability,” Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier), to appear: pdf
- Avi Klausner, Ari Trachtenberg, David Starobinski, and Mark Horenstein “An Overview of the Capabilities and Limitations of Smartphone Sensors,” International Journal of Handheld Computing Research, to appear. (pdf version available upon request)
- Emir Kavurmacioglu, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Competition in Secondary Spectrum Markets: Price War or Market Sharing?”, IEEE DySPAN 2012, Bellevue, WA, October 2012. pdf
- Huseyin Mutlu, Murat Alanyali, David Starobinski, and Aylin Turhan, “Online Pricing of Secondary Spectrum Access with Unknown Demand Function,” IEEE JSAC, Vol. 30, No. 11, pp. 2285-2294, 2012 (Special issue on Economics of Communication Networks and Systems): pdf
- Weiyao Xiao, Sachin Agarwal, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Reliable Rateless Wireless Broadcasting with Near-Zero Feedback,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 1924-1937, 2012: pdf
- Aylin Turhan, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Optimal Admission Control in Two-class Preemptive Loss Systems,” Operations Research Letters, Vol. 40, No. 6, pp. 510-515,r 2012: pdf
- Niloofar Fazlollahi, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Connected Identifying Codes,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 58, No.7, pp. 4814-4824, 2012: pdf
- Ashish Agarwal, David Starobinski, and Thomas Little, “Phase Transition of Message Propagation Speed in Delay Tolerant Vehicular Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 249-263, 2012: pdf
- A. Klausner, A. Trachtenberg and D. Starobinski Phones and robots: brains and brawn ACM SenSys pp. 361-362 Seattle, WA November 1-4 2011: pdf
- M. Alanyali, A. Al Daoud, and David Starobinski, “Economic Viability of Private Commons: Framework and Guidelines for Profitability,” Telecommunications Policy (Elsevier), Vol. 37, No. 2-3, pp. 231-240, March/April 2013 (Special issue on selected papers from IEEE DySPAN 2011). pdf
- A. Kontorovich and A. Trachtenberg Unique decodability of bigram counts by finite automata Arxiv preprint arXiv:1111.6431 2011: pdf
- A. Al Daoud, M. Alanyali, and D. Starobinski, “On Equilibrium Analysis of Acyclic Multiclass Loss Networks under Admission Control,” Operations Research Letters, Vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 406-410, 2011: pdf
- R. Cohen, N. Fazlollahi, and D. Starobinski, “Throughput-Competitive Advance Reservation with Bounded Path Dispersion,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 1265-1275, 2011: pdf
- A. Aziz, D Starobinski, and P. Thiran, “Understanding and Tackling the Root Causes of Instability in Wireless Mesh Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 1178-1193, 2011: pdf
- A. Daoud, M. Alanyali, and D. Starobinski, “Reservation Policies for Revenue Maximization from Secondary Spectrum Access in Wireless Cellular Networks,” Elsevier Journal of Computer Networks, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 214-224, 2011 (fast-tracked from WiOpt 2010).: pdf
- M. Boyle, A. Klausner, D. Starobinski, A. Trachtenberg and H. Wu, “Gait-based User Classification Using Phone Sensors” MOBISYS 2011: extended report in pdf
- N. Fazlollahi, D. Starobinski, and A. Trachtenberg, “Connected Identifying Codes and Fundamental Bounds” ITA 2011: pdf
- N. Fazlollahi, D. Starobinski, and A. Trachtenberg, “Connected Identifying Codes for Sensor Network Monitoring” IEEE WCNC 2011: pdf
- Ashraf Al Daoud, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “On Equilibrium Analysis of Acyclic Multiclass Loss Networks under Admission Control,” Operations Research Letters, to appear.
- Reuven Cohen, Niloofar Fazlollahi, and David Starobinski, “Throughput-Competitive Advance Reservation with Bounded Path Dispersion,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, to appear. pdf
- Adel Aziz, David Starobinski, and Patrick Thiran, “Understanding and Tackling the Root Causes of Instability in Wireless Mesh Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, to appear. pdf
- Ashraf Al Daoud, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Reservation Policies for Revenue Maximization from Secondary Spectrum Access in Wireless Cellular Networks,” WiOpt 2010, Avignon, France, June 2010. pdf
- Niloofar Fazlollahi and David Starobinski, “Distributed Advance Network Reservation with Delay Guarantees” IEEE IPDPS 2010, Atlanta, GA, April 2010.pdf
- Weiyao Xiao, Sachin Agarwal, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Reliable Wireless Broadcasting with Near-Zero Feedback,” IEEE INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, CA, March 2010. pdf
- Huseyin Mutlu, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “On-line Pricing of Secondary Spectrum Access with Unknown Demand Function and Call Length Distribution,” IEEE INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, CA, March 2010. pdf
- Weiyao Xiao and David Starobinski, “Extreme Value FEC for Reliable Broadcasting in Wireless Networks” IEEE JSAC (Special Issue on Simple Wireless Sensor networking Solutions), in press. pdf
- David Starobinski and Weiyao Xiao, “Asymptotically Optimal Data Dissemination in Multi-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks: Single Radios Suffice” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, in press. pdf
- Ashraf Al Daoud, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Pricing Strategies for Spectrum Lease in Secondary Markets” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, in press. pdf
- Adel Aziz, David Starobinski, Patrick Thiran, and Alaeddine El Fawal “EZ-Flow: Removing Turbulence in IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks without Message Passing” ACM CoNEXT 2009, Rome, Italy, December 2009. pdf
- Adel Aziz, David Starobinski, and Patrick Thiran, “Elucidating the Instability of Random Access Wireless Mesh Networks” IEEE SECON 2009, Rome, Italy, June 2009. pdf
- Huseyin Mutlu, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Spot Pricing of Secondary Spectrum Access in Wireless Cellular Networks” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1794-1804, December 2009. pdf
- Reuven Cohen, Niloofar Fazlollahi, and David Starobinski, “Path Switching and Grading Algorithms for Advanced Channel Reservation Architectures” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1684-1695, October 2009. pdf
- Ivana Stojanovic, Zeyu Wu, Masoud Sharif, and David Starobinski, “Data Dissemination in Wireless Broadcast Channels: Network Coding versus Cooperation” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, to appear. pdf
- Andrew Hagedorn, Sachin Agarwal, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Rateless Coding with Feedback” IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. pdf
- Weiyao Xiao and David Starobinski, “Extreme Value FEC for Wireless Data Broadcasting” IEEE INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009. [][pdf]]
- Moshe Laifenfeld, Ari Trachtenberg, Reuven Cohen and David Starobinski, “Joint Monitoring and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Robust Identifying Codes” Mobile Networks and Applications, October 2008. Springer’s web
- Moshe Laifenfeld, Ari Trachtenberg, Reuven Cohen and David Starobinski, “Identifying Codes and Covering Problems” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, September 2008. pdf
- Andrew Hagedorn, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Rateless Deluge: Over-the-Air Programming of Wireless Sensor Networks using Random Linear Codes” ACM/IEEE
- IPSN 2008, Saint Louis, MO, April 2008. pdf Downloadable code
- Huseyin Mutlu, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Spot Pricing of Secondary Spectrum Usage in Wireless Cellular Networks” IEEE INFOCOM 2008, Phoenix, AZ, April 2008. pdf
- Reuven Cohen, Niloofar Fazlollahi, and David Starobinski, “Competitive Advance Reservation with Bounded Path Dispersion” IEEE INFOCOM High-Speed Networking Workshop 2008 (HSN 2008), Phoenix, AZ, April 2008. pdf
- Ari Trachtenberg, “Closed-form expression for the parameters of binary lexicodes”, ITA 2008: pdf
- Sachin Agarwal, Andrew Hagedorn, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Adaptive rateless coding under partial information”, ITA 2008: pdf
- Tao Wu and David Starobinski, “A Comparative Analysis of Server Selection in Content Replication Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, to appear. pdf
- Sachin Agarwal, Andrew Hagedorn, and Ari Trachtenberg, “Near optimal update-broadcast of data sets,” DISN 2007: ps or pdf.
- Moshe Laifenfeld, Ari Trachtenberg, Reuven Cohen, and David Starobinski, “Joint Monitoring and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks using Robust Identifying Codes,” IEEE BROADNETS 2007, Raleigh, NC, September 2007.
- Ashraf Al Daoud, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Pricing Spectrum Access in Cellular CDMA Networks with Heterogeneous Demand,” IEEE BROADNETS 2007, Raleigh, NC, September 2007 (invited paper).
- Angad Singh and David Starobinski, “A Semi Markov-based Analysis of Rate Adaptation Algorithms in Wireless LANs,” IEEE SECON 2007, San Diego, CA, June 2007. pdf
- David Starobinski, Weiyao Xiao, Xiangping Qin, and Ari Trachtenberg “Near-Optimal Data Dissemination Policies for Multi-Channel, Single Radio Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE INFOCOM 2007, Anchorage, May 2007. pdf
- Ashraf Al Daoud, Murat Alanyali, and David Starobinski, “Secondary Pricing of Spectrum in Cellular CDMA Networks,” IEEE DySPAN 2007, Dublin, Ireland, April 2007.
- Ivana Stojanovic, Masoud Sharif, and David Starobinski, “Data Dissemination in Wireless Broadcast Channels: Network Coding or Cooperation?,” CISS 2007, Johns Hopkins University, March 2007.
- Saikat Ray and David Starobinski, “On False Blocking in RTS/CTS-based Multi-hop Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 2, pp. 849-862, March 2007. pdf
- Ioannis Paschalidis, Wei Lai, and David Starobinski, “Asymptotically Optimal Transmission Policies for Large-Scale Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 105-118, February 2007. pdf
- S. Agarwal, V. Chauhan, and A. Trachtenberg, “Bandwidth Efficient String Reconciliation using Puzzles,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, November 2006: ps (2.7M) or pdf (279K).
- Andrew Hagedorn, David Starobinski, and Ari Trachtenberg “Poster Abstract: Rateless Codes for Data Dissemination in Sensor Networks,” Proc. ACM SenSys 2006 (Poster Session), Boulder, Colorado, November 2006. pdf
- Tao Wu and David Starobinski, “On the Price of Anarchy in Unbounded Delay Networks,” First Workshop on Game Theory for Networks (GameNets 2006), Pisa, Italy, October 2006. pdf
- M. Laifenfeld, A. Trachtenberg, and T.Y. Berger-Wolf, “Identifying codes and the set cover problem”, 44th Annual Allerton Conf. on Comm., Ctrl., and Comput., October 2006, in ps or pdf.
- Reuven Cohen, Niloofar Fazlollahi, and David Starobinski, “Graded Channel Reservation with Path Switching in Ultra High Capacity Networks,” Third International Workshop on Networks for Grid Applications (GridNets 2006), San Jose, CA, October 2006. pdf
- S. Agarwal, M. Laifenfeld, A. Trachtenberg, and M. Alanyali, “Fast data access over asymmetric channels using fair and secure bandwidth sharing,” ICDCS 2006: ps (3M) or pdf.
- Venkatesh Saligrama and David Starobinski, “On the Macroscopic Effects of Local Interactions in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks,” WiOpt 2006, Boston, MA, April 2006.pdf
- S. Agarwal and A. Trachtenberg, “Approximating the number of differences between remote sets,” IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Punta del Este, Uruguay, March 2006. : in ps (190K) or pdf (147K).
- Francesco De Pellegrini, David Starobinski, Mark Karpovsky, and Lev Levitin, “Scalable, Distributed Cycle-Breaking Algorithms for Gigabit Ethernet Backbones,” OSA Journal of Optical Networking (Special Feature on Optical Ethernet), Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 122-144, February 2006. pdf
- Rajesh Krishnan and David Starobinski, “Efficient Clustering Algorithms for Self-Organizing Wireless Sensor Networks,” Journal of Ad-Hoc Networks, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 36-59, January 2006. pdf
- Saikat Ray, Jeffrey Carruthers, and David Starobinski, “Evaluation of the Masked Node Problem in Ad-Hoc Wireless LANs”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 430-442, September/October 2005. pdf
- M. Laifenfeld and A. Trachtenberg, “Disjoint idenitying codes for arbitrary graphs”, 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Adelaide, Australia, Sep 2005. pdf
- Saikat Ray, David Starobinski and Jeffrey Carruthers, “Performance of Wireless Networks with Hidden Nodes: A Queueing-Theoretic Analysis”, Journal of Computer Communications (Special Issue on the Performance of Wireless LANs, PANs, and Ad-Hoc Networks), Vol. 28, pp. 1179-1192, June 2005. pdf
- David Starobinski and Tao Wu, “Performance of Server Selection Algorithms for Content Replication Networks,” IFIP Networking 2005, Waterloo, Canada, May 2005. pdf
- Ioannis Paschalidis, Wei Lai, and David Starobinski, “Asymptotically Optimal Transmission Policies for Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE INFOCOM 2005, Miami, March 2005.
- K. Saliba, “Robust Location Detection: Evaluation of Varying Network Topologies”, CISE Technical Report 2004-IR-0030 pdf
- S. Agarwal and A. Trachtenberg, “Estimating the number of differences between remote sets”, CISE Technical Report 2004-IR-0010, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Networking pdf
- V. Chauhan and A. Trachtenberg, “Reconciliation puzzles,” IEEE Globecom 2004 ,in ps(138K) or pdf(102K)
- Saikat Ray, David Starobinski, Ari Trachtenberg and Rachanee Ungrangsi, “Robust location detection with sensor networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (Special Issue on Fundamental Performance Limits of Wireless Sensor Networks), August 2004. pdf
- Francesco de Pellegrini, David Starobinski, Mark Karpovsky and Lev Levitin, “Scalable Cycle-Breaking Algorithms for Gigabit Ethernet Backbones,” IEEE INFOCOM 2004, Hong Kong, March 2004. pdf
- Rajesh Krishnan and David Starobinski, “Message-Efficient Self-Organization of Wireless Sensor Networks,” to appear in IEEE WCNC 2003. pdf
- David Starobinski, Mark Karpovsky, and Lev Zakrevski, “Application of Network Calculus to General Topologies using Turn-Prohibition,” to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. pdf
- Saikat Ray, Jeffrey Carruthers, and David Starobinski, “RTS/CTS-induced Congestion in Ad-Hoc Wireless LANs,” IEEE WCNC 2003. pdf
- Ray S., Ugrangsi R., De Pellegrini F., Trachtenberg A., Starobinski D., “Robust Location Detection for Emergency Sensor Networks”, to appear in the proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2003, San Francisco, CA. pdf(241k)
- Y. Minsky and A. Trachtenberg, Practical set reconciliation, Technical Report 2002-01, Boston University. Also appeared as Scalable set reconciliation at the 40th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, October 2002.
- A. Trachtenberg, D. Starobinski, and S. Agarwal, “Fast PDA Synchronization using Characteristic Polynomial Interpolation,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2002, pp.1510-1519, June 2002. Available in postscript(5.7M) or pdf(372k)
- S. Agarwal, David Starobinski and Ari Trachtenberg, “On the Scalability of Data Synchronization Protocols for PDAs and Mobile Devices,”, IEEE Network (Special Issue on Scalability in Communication Networks), Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 22-28, July-August 2002. pdf (973k)
- David Starobinski, Mark Karpovsky, and Lev Zakrevski, “Application of Network Calculus to General Topologies using Turn-Prohibition,” Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2002, pp.1151-1159, June 2002. pdf(113k)
- A. Trachtenberg, Designing Lexicographic Codes with a Given Trellis Complexity, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (January 2002)
- S. Agarwal, Data Synchronization in Mobile and Distributed Networks, Master’s Thesis, Boston University, July 2002. pdf
- S. Agarwal and A. Yaar and D. Starobinski and A. Trachtenberg, Fast Network Synchronization, ACM SIGCOMM Comp. Comm. Review 32:3, July 2002, p. 14 (poster):pdf (97K)
- David Starobinski and David Tse, “Probabilistic Methods for Web Caching”, Performance Evaluation , Vol 46, Nos. 2-3, pp. 125-137, October 2001. pdf
- M. Karpovsky, L. Levitin, and A. Trachtenberg,_Data verification and reconciliation with generalized error-control codes_,39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello IL, Oct 3-5, 2001. Available in postscript (103K) or pdf (109K)
- Y. Minsky, A. Trachtenberg, and R. Zippel, Set Reconciliation with Nearly Optimal Communication Complexity, International Symposium on Information Theory, Washington D.C., June 2001. Available in postscript(86k) or pdf(117k).
- M. Karpovsky, L. Levitin, and A. Trachtenberg, Connections between data reconciliation and error-correcting codes, International Symposium on Information Theory, Washington D.C., June 2001, recent result. Abstract available inpostscript (46k) or pdf. (55k).
- David Starobinski and Mark Karpovsky, “Turn Prohibition-based Packet Forwarding in Gigabit Ethernets,” Gigabit Networking Workshop (GBN 2001), Anchorage, Alaska, April 2001.
- A. Trachtenberg and D. Starobinski, Towards Global Synchronization, Workshop on New Visions for Large-Scale Networks: Research and Applications, Vienna, VA, March 2001. Available in pdf.
- David Starobinski and Moshe Sidi, “Modeling and Analysis of Power-Tail Distributions via Classical Teletraffic Methods,” Queueing Systems (QUESTA), Vol. 36, Nos. 1-3, pp. 243-267, November 2000. Gzipped PostScript
- T. Etzion, A. Trachtenberg, and A. Vardy, “Which Codes have Cycle-Free Tanner Graphs?” ,IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 45:6. Available in postscript (496K) or pdf (378k)
- David Starobinski and David Tse, “Probabilistic Models for Web Caching,” Conference and Workshop on Stochastic Networks, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2000.
- David Starobinski and Moshe Sidi, “Stochastically Bounded Burstiness for Communication Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp.206-212, January 2000. Gzipped PostScript
- Y. Minsky, A. Trachtenberg, and R. Zippel, “Efficient reconciliation of unordered databases”, Technical Report 2000-1796, Cornell University. Available in postscript (296k) or pdf(260k).
- Ari Trachtenberg, “Error-Correcting Codes on Graphs: Lexicodes, Trellises, and Factor Graphs”, Ph.D. thesis from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Computer Science. Available in html, postscript (1.2M) or pdf (1M).
- David Starobinski and Moshe Sidi, “Modeling and Analysis of Heavy-Tailed Distributions via Classical Teletraffic Methods,” Proceedings of ITC-16, pp. 45-54, June 1999. A PostScript version is available upon request.
- David Starobinski, Ph.D. Thesis Quality of Service in High Speed Networks with Multiple Time-Scale Traffic, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, May 1999.Gzipped PostScript
- David Starobinski and Moshe Sidi, “Stochastically Bounded Burstiness for Communication Networks,” Proceedings of INFOCOM ’99, pp.36-42, March 1999.Gzipped PostScript
- A. Trachtenberg and Y. Minsky, Efficient reconciliation of unordered databases, Technical Report 99-1778, Cornell University. Available in postscript (431k) or pdf(272k).
- Moshe Sidi and David Starobinski, “New Call Blocking versus Handoff Blocking in Cellular Networks,” ACM Journal of Wireless Networks , Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 15-27, March 1997 (forwarded for fast-track publication by the Program Chair of Infocom ’96). Gzipped PostScript
- A. Trachtenberg and A. Vardy, “Lexicographic Codes; Constructions, Bounds, and Trellis Complexities”, CISS ’97. Available in postscript(337K) or pdf (225k).
- Moshe Sidi and David Starobinski, “New Call Blocking versus Handoff Blocking in Cellular Networks ”, Proceedings of INFOCOM ’96, pp. 35-42, March 1996.Gzipped PostScript
- A. Trachtenberg, Computational Methods in Coding Theory, M.Sc. thesis, available in postscript (1M) or pdf (1M).
- David Starobinski, M.Sc. Thesis, New Call Blocking versus Handoff Blocking in Cellular Networks, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, December 1995.Gzipped PostScript