New England Public Health Training Center is joining a meeting of committed public health and health care professionals on August 15 at Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport, Connecticut, to learn about, and take video for future sharing of lessons learned, “Bringing the Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services Standards to Life.” The day will be […]
Kathi Traugh, of the Yale School of Public Health, represented the New England Public Health Training Center, on a national webinar hosted by NNPHI on recent accomplishments in our content area, Preparedness. The PHLN (Public Health Learning Network) is composed of ten Public Health Training Centers, each covering a wide range of public health topics […]
Attend “Racial Equity in School Health: A Groundwater Approach” on March 27 8:30am -4:00pm in Lowell, MA NEPHTC’s sister training center, SHIELD (School Health Institute for Education Leadership Development) is pleased to host a Racial Equity workshop to establish a foundational understanding of how race-based structural inequities impact access and outcomes. Public Health professionals are […]