Publications by Year
When available, please click on the underlined titles to access these publications.
- Iverson, J.M., Britsch, E.R., Schneider, J.L., Plate, S.N., Focaroli, V., Taffoni, F. and Keller, F. (2024), Reaching While Learning to Sit: Capturing the Kinematics of Co-Developing Skills at Home. Developmental Psychobiology, 66(6).
- Sally OzonoffGregory S. YoungJessica BradshawTony CharmanKatarzyna ChawarskaJana M. IversonCheryl KlaimanRebecca J. LandaNicole McDonaldDaniel MessingerRebecca J. SchmidtCarol L. WilkinsonLonnie Zwaigenbaum. (2024). Familial Recurrence of Autism: Updates From the Baby Siblings Research Consortium. Pediatrics, 154 (2).
Bick, N. A., Redfern, M. S., Jennings, J. R., Eack, S. M., Iverson, J. M., & Cham, R. (2024). Attention and sensory integration for gait in young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Gait & Posture, 112(2024), 74–80.
- Tamis-LeMonda, C. S., Kachergis, G., Masek, L. R., Gonzalez, S. L., Soska, K. C., Herzberg, O., Xu, M., Adolph, K. E., Gilmore, R. O., Bornstein, M. H., Casasola, M., Fausey, C. M., Frank, M. C., Goldin-Meadow, S., Gros-Louis, J., Hirsh-Pasek, K., Iverson, J., Lew-Williams, C., MacWhinney, B., … Yurovsky, D. (2024). Comparing apples to manzanas and oranges to naranjas: A new measure of English-Spanish vocabulary for dual language learners. Infancy, 29(3), 302–326.
- Britsch, E.R., Iverson, J.M. (2024). Adding to the Conversation: Language Delays and Parent-Child Interactions in the Younger Siblings of Children With Autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 54(4).
- Plate, S., Iverson, J. M. (2024). Breakdowns and repairs: Communication initiation and effectiveness in infants with and without an older sibling with autism. Infant Behavior and Development, 74 (2024).
- Northrup, J. B., Cortez, K. B., Mazefsky, C. A., & Iverson, J. M. (2024). Expression and co-regulation of negative emotion in 18-month-olds at increased likelihood for autism with diverse developmental outcomes. Autism, 0(0).
- Chen, Q., Schneider, J. L., West, K. L., & Iverson, J. M. (2023). Infant locomotion shapes proximity to adults during everyday play in the US. Infancy, 28(2), 190-205.
- Schneider, J. L., Roemer, E. J., Northrup, J. B., & Iverson, J. M. (2023). Dynamics of the dyad: How mothers and infants co‐construct interaction spaces during object play. Developmental science, 26(2), e13281.
- Schneider, J. L., & Iverson, J. M. (2023). Equifinality in infancy: The many paths to walking. Developmental psychobiology, 65(2), e22370.
- Iverson, J. M., West, K. L., Schneider, J. L., Plate, S. N., Northrup, J. B., & Britsch, E. R. (2023). Early development in autism: How developmental cascades help us understand the emergence of developmental differences. In Advances in Child Development and Behavior (Vol. 64, pp. 109-134). JAI.
- Kushner, E. H., Britsch, E. R., & Iverson, J. M. (2023). Caregiver object labels within supported and coordinated joint engagement during interaction with toddlers at elevated and typical likelihood of autism. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 58(3), 672-686.
- Bradshaw, J., Schwichtenberg, A. J., & Iverson, J. M. (2022). Capturing the complexity of autism: Applying a developmental cascades framework. Child Development Perspectives, 16(1), 18-26.
- Calabretta, B. T., Schneider, J. L., & Iverson, J. M. (2022). Bidding on the go: Links between walking, social actions, and caregiver responses in infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 15(12), 2324-2335.
- Iverson, J.M. (2022). Developing language in a developing body, revisited: The cascading effects of motor development on the acquisition of language. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science, 13(6), e1626.
- Pecukonis, M., Young, G. S., Brian, J., Charman, T., Chawarska, K., Elsabbagh, M., … & Tager‐Flusberg, H. (2022). Early predictors of language skills at 3 years of age vary based on diagnostic outcome: A baby siblings research consortium study. Autism research, 15(7), 1324-1335.
- Mlincek, M. M., Roemer, E. J., Kraemer, C., & Iverson, J. M. (2022). Posture Matters: Object Manipulation During the Transition to Arms-Free Sitting in Infants at Elevated vs. Typical Likelihood for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Physical & Occupational Therapy In Pediatrics, 1-15.
- Roemer, E. J., Kushner, E. H., & Iverson, J. M. (2022). Joint engagement, parent labels, and language development: Examining everyday interactions in infant siblings of children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 52(5), 1984-2003.
- Schneider, J.L. & Iverson, J.M. (2022). Cascades in action: How the transition to walking shapes caregiver communication during everyday interactions. Developmental psychology, 58(1), 1.
- Cham, R., Iverson, J.M., Bailes, A., Jennings, J.R., Eack, S.M., & Redfern, M.S. (2021). Attention and sensory integration for postural control in young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Experimental Brain Research, 239, 1417-1426.
- Iverson, J.M. (2021). Developmental variability and developmental cascades: Lessons from infant motor and language development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 30, 228-235.
- Sansavini, A., Libertus, K., Guarini, A., Libertus, M., Benassi, M., & Iverson, J.M. (2021). Editorial: Understanding trajectories and promoting change from early to complex skills in typical and atypical development: A cross-population approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 647464.
- West, K.L. & Iverson, J.M. (2021). Communication changes when infants begin to walk. Developmental Science, 24, e13102.
- Jarvis, E.N., West, K.L., & Iverson, J.M. (2020). Object exploration during the transition to sitting: A study of infants at heightened risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Infancy, 25, 640-657.
- Northrup, J.B. & Iverson, J.M. (2020). The development of mother-infant coordination across the first year of life. Developmental Psychology, 56, 221-236.
- Northrup, J.B. & Iverson, J.M. (2020). Multi-modal coordination of vocal and gaze behavior in mother-infant dyads across the first year of life. Infancy, 25, 952-972
- West, K.L., *Roemer, E.J., *Northrup, J.B., & Iverson, J.M. (2020). Profiles of action-gesture development in infants with an older sibling with ASD. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63 1195-1211.
- Iverson, J.M., Shic, F., Wall, C.A., Chawarska, K., Curtin, S., Estes, A., Gardner, J.M., Hutman, T., Landa, R.J., Levin, A.R., Libertus, K., Messinger, D.S., Nelson, C.A., Ozonoff, A., Sacrey, L.-A. R., Sheperd, K., Stone, W.L., Tager-Flusberg, H.B., Wolff, J.A., Yirmiya, N., & Young, G.S. (2019). Early motor abilities in infants at heightened vs. low risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC) study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128, 69-80.
- Jakubowski, K.P. & Iverson, J.M. (2019). Look at Mommy: Attention-Related Communication in Mothers of Children at Risk for Autism. Language Learning and Development, 15, 126-137.
- Leezenbaum, N.B. & Iverson, J.M. (2019). Trajectories of posture development in infants with vs. without familial risk for ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 3257-3277.
- Roemer, E.J., West, K.L., Northrup, J.B., & Iverson, J.M. (2019). Word comprehension mediates the link between gesture and word production: Examining language development in infant siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Developmental Science, 22, e12767.
- Sansavini, A., Guarini, A., Zuccarini, M., Lee, J., Faldella, G., & Iverson, J.M. (2019). Low rates of pointing in 18-month-olds at risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder and extremely preterm infants: A common index of language delay.Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 10, 2131.
- Schleier, R., Iverson, J.M., King, A.P., & West, M.J. (2019). Transitivity types predict communicative abilities in infants at risk of autism. Journal of Social Structure, 20, 119-139.
- Taffoni, F., Focaroli, V., Keller, F., & Iverson, J.M. (2019). Motor performance in a shape sorter task: A longitudinal study from 14 to 36 months of age in children with an older sibling with ASD. PLoS One, 14, e0217416.
- West, K.L., Northrup, J.B., Leezenbaum, N.B., & Iverson, J.M. (in press). The relation between walking and language in infant siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child Development, 90, e356-e372.
- Benassi, E., Savini, S., Iverson, J.M., Caselli, M.C., Alessandroni, R., Faldella, G., & Sansavini, A. (2018). Maternal responses and development of communication skills in extremely preterm infants. First Language, 38, 175-197.
- Heymann, P., Northrup, J.B., West, K.L., Parladé, M.V., Leezenbaum, N.L., & Iverson, J.M. (2018). Coordination is key: Joint attention and vocalisation in infant siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 53, 1007-1020.
- Iverson, J.M. (2018). Early motor and communicative development in infants with an older sibling with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61, 2673-2684.
- Iverson, J.M., Northrup, J.B., Leezenbaum, N.B., Parladé, M.V., Koterba, E.A., & West, K.L. (2018). Early communicative and language development in infant siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 55-71.
- Sparaci, L., Northrup, J.B., Capirci, O., & Iverson, J.M. (2018). From using tools to using language in infant siblings of children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 48, 2319-2334.
- Zuccarini, M., Guarini, A., Iverson, J. M., Benassi, E., Savini, S., Alessandroni, R., … & Sansavini, A. (2018). Does early object exploration support gesture and language development in extremely preterm infants and full-term infants?Journal of Communication Disorders, 76, 76, 91-100.
- Charman, T., Brian, J., Carter, A., Carver, L., Chawarska, K., Curtin, S., Dobkins, K., Elsabbagh, M., Georgiades, S., Hertz-Picciotto, I., Hutman, T., Iverson, J.M., Jones, E., Landa, R., Macari, S., Messinger, D., Nelson, C.A., Ozonoff, S., Saulnier, C., Stone, W.L., Tager-Flusberg, H., Webb, S.J., Yirmiya, N., Young, G.S., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2017). Non-ASD Outcomes at 36 Months in Siblings at Familial Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Baby Siblings Research Consortium (BSRC) Study. Autism Research, 10, 169-178.
- Berger, S., Cunsolo, M., Ali, M., & Iverson, J.M. (2017). The trajectory of concurrent motor and vocal behaviors over the transition to crawling in infancy.Infancy, 22, 681-694.
- Northrup, J.B., Libertus, K., & Iverson, J.M. (2017). Response to changing contingencies in infants at high and low risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.Autism Research, 10, 1239-1248.
- West, K.L. & Iverson, J.M. (2017). Language learning is hands-on: Exploring links between infants’ object manipulation and verbal input. Cognitive Development, 43, 190-200.
- Zuccarini, M., Sansavini, A., Iverson, J.M., Savini, S., Guarini, A., Alessandroni, R., Faldella, G., & Aureli, T. (2017). Object exploration in extremely preterm infants between 6 and 9 months and relation to cognitive and language development at 24 months. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 68, 140-152.
- Lazenby, D., Sideridis, G., Huntington, N., Prante, M., Dale, P., Curtin, S., Henkel, L., Iverson, J.M., Carver, L., Dobkins, K., Akshoomoff, N., Tagavi, D., Nelson, C., & Tager-Flusberg, H. (2016). Language differences at 12 months in infants who develop Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46, 899-909
- Benassi, E., Savini, S., Iverson, J.M., Caselli, M.C., Alessandroni, R., Faldella, G., & Sansavini, A. (2016). Early communicative behaviors and relationships to motor skills in extremely preterm infants. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 48, 132-144.
- LeBarton, E.S. & Iverson, J.M. (2016). Gesture development in toddlers with an older sibling with autism. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 51, 18-30.
- Zuccarini, M., Sansavini, A., Iverson, J.M., Savini, S., Guarini, A., Alessandroni, R., Faldella, G., & Aureli, T. (2016). Object engagement and manipulation in extremely preterm and full term infants at 6 months. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 55, 173-184.
- Focaroli, V., Taffoni, F., Parsons, S.M., Keller, F., & Iverson, J.M. (2016). Performance of motor sequences in children at heightened vs. low risk for ASD: A longitudinal study from 18 to 36 months of age. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 7:724. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00724
- LeBarton, E.S. & Iverson, J.M. (2016). Associations between gross motor and communicative development in at-risk infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 44, 59-67.
- Wozniak, R.H., Leezenbaum, N.L., Northrup, J.B., West, K.L., & Iverson, J.M. (2016). The development of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Variability and causal complexity. WIREs Cognitive Science, doi: 10.1002/wcs.1426.
- Messinger, D.S., Young, G.S., Webb, S.J., Ozonoff, S., Bryson, S., Carter, A., Carver, L., Charman, T., Chawarska, K., Curtin, S., Dobkins, K., Hertz-Picciotto, I., Hutman, T., Iverson, J.M., Landa, R., Nelson, C.A., Stone, W.L., Tager-Flusberg, H., & Zwaigenbaum, L. (2015). Early sex differences are not autism-specific: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium study. Molecular Autism, 6:32.
- Northrup, J.B. & Iverson, J.M. (2015). Vocal coordination during early parent-infant interaction predicts language outcome in high-risk infants. Infancy, 20, 523-547.
- Parladé, M.V. & Iverson, J.M. (2015). The development of coordinated communication in infants at high risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 2218-2234.
- Focaroli, V., Taffoni, F., & Iverson, J.M. (2015). Abilità di pianificazione motoria: Una rassegna sui bambini a sviluppo tipico e con Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico [Motor planning abilities: A review of typically-developing children and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder]. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 19, 3-26.
- Zwaigenbaum, L., Young, G.S., Stone, W.L., Dobkins, K., Ozonoff, S., Brian, J., Bryson, S.E., Carver, L.J., Hutman, T., Iverson, J.M., Landa, R.J., & Messinger, D. (2014). Early head growth in infants at risk of autism: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 53, 1053-1062.
- Koterba, E.A., Leezenbaum, N.B., & Iverson, J.M. (2014). Object exploration in infants with and without risk for autism. Autism, 18, 97-105.
- Leezenbaum, N.B., Campbell, S.B., Butler, D.M., & Iverson, J.M. (2014). Maternal verbal responses to communication of infants at low and heightened risk for autism. Autism, 18, 694-703.
- Rusiewicz, H.L., Shaiman, S., Iverson, J.M., & Szuminsky, N. (2014). Effects of Perturbation and Prosody on the Coordination of Speech and Gestures.Speech Communication, 57, 283-300.
- Aureli, T., Perucchini, P. & Iverson, J.M. (2013). Motor acts and communicative gestures from 9 to 18 months of age in imperative and declarative context: Tracing the origin and development of pointing. Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, 13, 21-30.
- LeBarton, E.S. & Iverson, J.M. (2013). Fine motor skill predicts expressive language in infant siblings of children with autism. Developmental Sciencev, 815-827.
- Nickel, L.R., Thatcher. A.R., Keller, F., Wozniak, R.H., & Iverson, J.M. (2013). Postural development in infants at heightened vs. low risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Infancy, 18, 639-661.
- Winder, B.M., Wozniak, R.H., Parladé, M.V., & Iverson, J.M. (2013). Spontaneous initiation of communication in infants at low and heightened risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Developmental Psychology, 49, 1931-1942.
- Campolo, D., Taffoni, F., Formica, D., Iverson, J.M., Sparaci, L., Keller, F., & Guglielmelli, E. (2012). Embedding inertial-magnetic sensors in everyday objects: Assessing spatial cognition in children. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 11, 103-116.
- Sheinkopf, S.J., Iverson, J.M., Rinaldi, M.L., & Lester, B.M (2012). Atypical cry acoustics in 6-month old infants at-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder.Autism Research, 5, 331-339.
- Taffoni, F., Focaroli, V., Formica, D., Guglielmelli, E., Keller, F., & Iverson, J.M. (2012). Sensor-based technology in the study of motor skills in infants at risk for ASD. Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 1879-1883.
- Iverson, J.M. & Braddock, B.A. (2011). Gesture and motor skill in relation to language in children with language impairment. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54, 72-86.
- Ozonoff,S., Young, G.S., Carter, A., Messinger, D., Yirmiya, N., Zwaigenbaum, L., Bryson, S., Carver, L.J., Constantino, J., Dobkins, K., Hutman, T., Iverson, J.M., Landa, R., Rogers, S.J., Sigman, M., & Stone, W.L. (2011). Recurrence risk in younger siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A BSRC study. Pediatrics, 128, e488-e495.
- Parladé, M.V. & Iverson, J.M. (2011). The interplay between language, affect, and gesture during communicative transition: A dynamic systems approach.Developmental Psychology, 47, 820-833.
- Cattani, A., Bonifacio, S., Fertz, M., Iverson, J.M., Zocconi, E., & Caselli, M.C. (2010). Communicative and linguistic development in preterm children: A longitudinal study from 12 to 24 months. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 45, 162-173.
- Goldin-Meadow, S. & Iverson, J.M. (2010). Gesturing over the lifespan. In R. Lerner and W. Overton (Eds.), Handbook of lifespan development. Volume 1: Methods, biology, neuroscience, and cognitive development (pp. 36-55). New York: John Wiley.
- Iverson, J.M. (2010). Developing language in a developing body: The relationship between motor development and language development. Journal of Child Language, 37, 229-261.
- Iverson, J.M. (2010). Multimodality in infancy: Vocal-motor and speech-gesture coordinations in typical and atypical development. Enfance, 3, 257-274.
- Parladé, M.V. & Iverson, J.M. (2010). The reorganization of communicative behaviors around the onset of the vocabulary spurt. Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata, 10, 43-57.
- Koterba, E.A. & Iverson, J.M. (2009). Investigating motionese: The effect of infant-directed action on infants’ preference and object manipulation. Infant Behavior and Development, 32, 437-444.
- Stefanini, S., Bello, A., Caselli, M.C., Iverson, J.M., & Volterra, V. (2009). Co-speech gestures in a naming task: Developmental data. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24, 168-189.
- Zwaigenbaum, L., Bryson, S., Lord, C., Rogers, S., Carter, A., Chawarska, K., Dawson, G., Fein, D., Iverson, J., Landa, R., Stone, W., & Yirmiya, N. (2009). Clinical assessment and management of toddlers with suspected ASD: Insights from studies of high-risk infants. Pediatrics, 123, 1383-1391.
- Iverson, J.M., Capirci, O., Volterra, V., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2008). Learning to talk in a gesture-rich world: Early communication of Italian vs. American children. First Language.
- Fagan, M.K. & Iverson, J.M. (2007). The influence of mouthing on infant vocalization. Infancy, 11, 91-202.
- Goldin-Meadow, S., Goodrich, W., Sauer, E., & Iverson, J.M. (2007). Young children use their hands to tell their mothers what to say. Developmental Science, 10, 778-785.
- Iverson, J.M., Hall, A.J., & Nickel, L., & Wozniak, R.H. (2007). The relationship between onset of reduplicated babble and laterality biases in infant rhythmic arm movements. Brain and Language, 101, 198-207.
- Iverson, J.M. & Wozniak, R.H. (2007). Variation in vocal-motor development in infant siblings of children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 158-170.
- Longobardi, E., Caselli, M.C., & Iverson, J.M. (2007). Input bimodale gesti e parole nell’interazione madre-bambino con sindrome di Down e con sviluppo tipico [Bimodal gestured and spoken input in interactions between mothers of children with Down syndrome and mothers of typically-developing children].Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 9, 391-406.
- Scharp, V.L., Tompkins, C.A., & Iverson, J.M. (2007). Gesture and aphasia: Helping hands? Aphasiology, 21, 1-9.
- Zwaigenbaum, L., Thurm, A., Stone, W., Baranek, G., Bryson, S., Iverson, J.M., Kau, A., Klin, A., Landa, R., Lord, C., Rogers, S., & Sigman, M. (2007). Studying the emergence of Autism Spectrum Disorders in high-risk infants: Methodological and practical issues. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 466-480.
- Braddock, B.A., Farmer, J.F., Deidrick, K.M., Iverson, J.M., & Maria, B.L. (2006). Oromotor and communication findings in Joubert Syndrome: Further evidence of multisystem apraxia. Journal of Child Neurology, 21, 160-163.
- Iverson, J.M., Longobardi, E., Spampinato, K., & Caselli, M.C. (2006). Gesture and speech in maternal input to children with Down syndrome. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 41, 235-251.
- Iverson, J.M. & Wozniak, R. H. (2006). The growth of the growth point. Trends in Cognitive Science, 10, 241-242.
- Iverson, J.M. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2005). Gesture paves the way for language development. Psychological Science, 16, 367-371.
- Volterra, V., Iverson, J.M., & Castrataro, M. (2005). The development of gesture in hearing and deaf children. In B. Schick,M. Marschark, & P. Spencer (Eds.), Advances in sign language development by deaf children (pp.46-70). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Iverson, J.M. & Fagan, M.K. (2004). Infant vocal-motor coordination: Precursor to the gesture-speech system? Child Development, 75, 1053-1066.
- Iverson, J.M., Longobardi, E., & Caselli, M.C. (2003). The relationship between gestures and words in children with Down syndrome and typically-developing children in the early stages of communicative development.International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 38, 179-197.
- Capirci, O., Caselli, M.C., Iverson, J.M., Pizzuto, E., & Volterra, V. (2002). Gesture and the nature of language in infancy: The role of gesture as a transitional device enroute to two-word speech. In D.F. Armstrong, M.A. Karchmer, & J.V. Van Cleve (Eds.), The study of signed languages: Essays in honor of William C. Stokoe (pp. 213-246). Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
- Capirci, O., Iverson, J.M., Montanari, S., & Volterra, V. (2002). Gestured, signed, and spoken modalities in early language development: The role of linguistic input. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 5, 25-37.
- Kelly, S.D., Iverson, J.M., Terranova, J., Niego, J., Hopkins, M., & Goldsmith, L. (2002). Putting language back in the body: Speech and gesture on three developmental timeframes. Developmental Neuropsychology, 22, 323-349.
- Iverson, J.M. (2001). Coordination between vocalization and rhythmic limb movements in 6- to 9-month-old infants. In J. van der Kamp, A. Ledebt, G. Savelsbergh, & E. Thelen (Eds.), Advances in motor development and learning in infancy (pp. 105-106). Amsterdam: IFKB.
- Iverson, J.M. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2001). The resilience of gesture in talk: Gesture in blind speakers and listeners. Developmental Science, 4, 416-422.
- Iverson, J.M., Tencer, H.L., Lany, J., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2000). The relation between gesture and speech in congenitally blind and sighted language-learners. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 24, 105-130.
- Iverson, J.M. (1999). How to get to the cafeteria: Gesture and speech in blind and sighted children’s spatial descriptions. Developmental Psychology, 35, 1132-1142.
- Iverson, J.M., Capirci, O., Longobardi, E., & Caselli, M.C. (1999). Gesturing in mother-child interactions. Cognitive Development, 14, 57-75.
- Iverson, J.M. & Thelen, E. (1999). Hand, mouth, and brain: The dynamic emergence of speech and gesture. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 6, 19-40.
[Reprinted in R. Nunez, W. Freeman, et al. (Eds.) (2000). Reclaiming cognition: The primacy of action, intention and emotion (pp. 19-40). Thorverton, UK: Imprint Academic.]
- Iverson, J.M. & Thelen, E. (1999). The hand leads the mouth in ontogenesis too. Brain and Behavioral Sciences.
- Iverson, J.M. (1998). Gesture when there is no gestural model. In J.M. Iverson & S. Goldin-Meadow (Eds.), The nature and functions of gesture in children’s communication. New Directions for Child Development, no. 79 (pp. 89-100). San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
- Iverson, J.M. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1998). Why people gesture when they speak. Nature, 396, 228.
- Iverson, J.M. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (Eds.) (1998). The nature and functions of gesture in children’s communication New Directions for Child Development, no. 79. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
- Iverson, J.M. & Thal, D.J. (1998). Communicative transitions: There’s more to the hand than meets the eye. In A.M. Wetherby, S.F. Warren & J. Reichle (Eds.), Transitions in prelinguistic communication: Preintentional to intentional and presymbolic to symbolic (pp. 59-86). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
- Iverson, J.M. & Goldin-Meadow, S. (1997). What’s communication got to do with it? Gesture in congenitally blind children. Developmental Psychology, 33, 453-467.
- Capirci, O., Iverson, J.M., Pizzuto, E., & Volterra, V. (1996). Communicative gestures during the transition to two-word speech. Journal of Child Language, 23, 645-673.
- Volterra, V. & Iverson, J.M. (1995). When do modality factors affect the course of language acquisition? In K. Emmorey & J. Reilly (Eds.), Language, gesture, and space (pp. 371-390). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Wozniak, R.H. & Iverson, J.M. (1995). Something borrowed, something new: The comparative developmental method, cultural-historical theory, and Vygotsky’s use of sources. Contemporary Psychology, 40, 207-209.
- Iverson, J.M., Capirci, O., & Caselli, M.C. (1994). From communication to language in two modalities. Cognitive Development, 9, 23-43.
- Hailey Beatrice
- Beatrice Benavent
- Gladys Bockelman
- Jennifer Cheung
- Krittika Chowdhury
- Ashley Collimore Postdoctoral Associate
- Natalia Correa Arrazola
- Samantha Damm
- Anna Donato Lab Manager
- Allison Draper
- Erica Friedman
- Deirdre Galvin-McLaughlin PhD Student
- Madison Glatz
- Mia Haddad
- Shreya Halur
- Esha Hande
- Lizandra Hawkinson
- Allison Heil
- Katherine Hikin
- Isabel Horney
- Jana Iverson, PhD Professor of Physical Therapy and Associate Dean for Research
- Carly Jespersen
- Margot Jones
- Annie Koury
- Anya Kresny
- Lilly Lapine
- Audrey Lorence Research Assistant
- Jesse Louie
- Ava Lyon
- Marc Maffei Postdoctoral Associate
- Elsa Mager
- Megan Melinkoff
- Rayne O’Gara-Pratt
- Lauren Price
- Jessica Proctor
- Warishah Qandil
- Caroline Spencer, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow (2022-2023)
- Ellen Sutter Postdoctoral Associate
- Lucy Vannini
- Erin Wilkerson Research Assistant
- Edwin Zheng