Izza Choudhry

Research Assistant

Izza graduated from the University of Pittsburgh in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology, with minors in Religious Studies and Chemistry, and a certificate of Global Health. During her time at the University of Pittsburgh, Izza was involved in research on anticipatory processing in people with mood disorders, ADHD risk in infancy and toddlerhood, and motor control in twin infants. Izza was also a recipient of the Brackenridge Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh in 2021, where she conducted an independent study analyzing the quality of mother-infant relationships for infants at-risk and not at-risk for ADHD, determining if maternal initiation, responsivity, and self-reported accounts of infant temperament and dysfunction are affected by an infant being at-risk for ADHD. In her free time, Izza enjoys reading, practicing guitar, and traveling!