Impact – Winter 2020

Editorial Statement

Dear Readers,

Explicitly established to foreground interdisciplinary teaching and learning, Impact also welcomes evidence and discussion of experiential learning. Often the two – interdisciplinary teaching and experiential learning – co-exist. Yet even when they do not, both practices model how to think in myriad ways and to notice how knowledge is constructed.

As our winter 2019 issue makes clear, interdisciplinary teaching and learning and experiential learning often begin with questions. Why does it matter that students grapple directly with archival material? What happens when undergraduates practice psychology by training dogs? Do students understand financial literacy? This issue also asks questions about students’ reading habits and faculty expectations of them as readers.

Our book reviewers also appreciate authors who examine what characters and people learn when they journey forth into the world (as opposed to remaining in the lecture hall).

We hope you enjoy the various programs and possibilities examined within this issue, and we encourage you to reach out to us with your thoughts.

All the best,

Megan Sullivan, Editor-In-Chief, Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Teaching & Learning