Impact – Summer 2023
Book Reviews
- Caroline S. Clauss-Ehlers, ed. The Cambridge Handbook of Community Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Contextual Perspectives. Reviewed by Ann Scheunemann, Harvard University
- Seligson, Kenneth E. The Maya and Climate Change: Human-Environmental Relationships in the Classic Period Lowlands. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Premodern Societies and Environments series. Reviewed by Vernon L. Scarborough, University of Cincinnati
- Helgren, Jennifer. The Camp Fire Girls: Gender, Race, and American Girlhood, 1910-1980. Reviewed by Cheryl Weiner, Lesley University
- Rajabi, Samira. All My Friends Live in My Computer: Trauma, Tactical Medicine, and Meaning. Reviewed by Scott Tulloch, Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York