Yiyi Tang
Ph.D. Student, Dartmouth

- Title Ph.D. Student, Dartmouth
- Email yyt62@bu.edu
- Education BA magna cum laude, Boston University, 2021
MA, Boston University, 2021
Areas of Interest
Paleoethnobotany/Archaeobotany; Archaeology of China; Wetland Archaeology; Environmental Archaeology; Phytolith Analysis
Research Interests & Fieldwork
I am interested in studying human-plant interactions by the means of macrobotanical analysis. My Master’s thesis focuses on the activities involved in subsistence strategy and niche construction by analyzing the macrobotanical remains (specifically seeds) recovered from a middle-Neolithic site dating around 5800 BP in the Lower Yangtze River Valley, China. I am currently working on a different assemblage collected from a Neolithic paddy-field-site in the same region, attempting to construct the ecology of flooded paddy fields and to estimate the average yield of rice production through seed identification and phytolith analysis. I am also looking forward to performing diatom analysis to indicate any changes in water conditions when the paddy fields were abandoned.