Yarden Tsfoni
M.A. Student, Universita di Padova

- Title M.A. Student, Universita di Padova
- Email yardent@bu.edu
- Education BA cum laude, Boston University, 2021
Areas of Interest
Paleoethnobotany; Archaeology of the Roman East; Architecture and Landscape Architecture; GIS; Ancient Religions, Cults, and Rituals
Research Interests & Fieldwork
I am interested in exploring the relationship between humans, plants, and landscape architecture. I am particularly interested in religious and sacred sites in the Roman East and how landscapes were created or modified to reflect the cultural beliefs and values of the time as well as analyzing trends over time. I have been involved with two field schools: one in Alcudia, Mallorca, studying a Roman Fort and one in Stobi, North Macedonia, studying both Greek and Roman architectural remains. My senior thesis is a paleoethnobotanical analysis of Hellenistic Tel Shimron.
Tel Shimron, Israel
UROP Fall 2020: The Home of the Mother: Understanding the Socio-Political Motivation behind Augustus’s Reconstruction of the Temple of Magna Mater in Rome