Nami Shin
Ph.D. Student, Koç University, Istanbul; DAAD Doctoral Fellow, Universität Tübingen

- Title Ph.D. Student, Koç University, Istanbul;
DAAD Doctoral Fellow, Universität Tübingen - Email
- Education BA cum laude, Boston University, 2015
MA, Koç University, 2018
Areas of Interest
Paleoethnobotany; Environmental Reconstruction; Near East; Anatolia; Bronze Age Egypt
Research Interests & Fieldwork
I am interested in studying the dynamic relationship between ancient populations and their environments, as well as environmental reconstruction in the ancient Near East. I am particularly interested in how people responded to different environmental events, such as drought or soil salinity, and the socio-political and economical changes that may have resulted.
UROP, Kaymakçı Archaeological Project:
I worked under the supervision of Professor John M. Marston on archaeobotanical material collected from Kaymakçı, a Bronze Age citadel site in western Turkey.
Marston, John M., Canan Çakırlar, Christina Luke, Peter Kováčik, Francesca G. Slim, Nami Shin, and Christopher H. Roosevelt. 2021. Agropastoral economies and land use in Bronze Age western Anatolia. Environmental Archaeology online before print. Link
Shin, Nami, John M. Marston, Christina Luke, Simone Riehl, and Christopher H. Roosevelt. 2021. Agricultural practices at Bronze Age Kaymakçı, western Anatolia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36:102800. Link
Roosevelt, Christopher H., Christina Luke, Sinan Ünlüsoy, Canan Çakırlar, John M. Marston, Caitlin R. O’Grady, Peter Pavúk, Magda Pieniazek, Jana Mokrisová, Catherine Scott, Nami Shin, and Francesca Slim. 2018. Exploring space, economy, and interregional interaction at a second-millennium B.C.E. citadel in central western Anatolia: the 2014–2017 excavations at Kaymakçı. American Journal of Archaeology 122:645-688. Link
Conference Presentations
Shin, Nami, and John M. Marston. 2020. “Agricultural patterns of Bronze Age Kaymakçı, Gediz Valley” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of ASOR.
Shin, Nami, John M. Marston, Christopher H. Roosevelt, and Christina Luke. 2015. “Reconstructing Late Bronze Age agriculture at Kaymakçı, western Turkey” Paper presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology.