Madeline Duppenthaler
Junior Salesforce Administrator, PitchBook Data

- Title Junior Salesforce Administrator, PitchBook Data
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- Education MA, Boston University, 2019
BA, Whitman College, 2016
Areas of Interest
Zooarchaeology, Paleoethnobotany/Archaeobotany, Wood Charcoal
Research Interests & Fieldwork
I study human, animal, and plant interactions and how these interactions impact each other and the environment. Previously, I researched and worked on understanding connections between goat and sheep domestication, the environment, and human populations in the Southern Levant during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (8,600-6,900 BCE). Currently, I am working on identifying and understanding a zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical assemblages from Kodiak Island, Alaska.
Kodiak Island, Alaska
Duppenthaler, Madeline. 2016. Boon and Bane: The Paradox of Pre-Pottery Neolithic Caprine Domestication in the Southern Levant. Penrose Library at Whitman College. 1-68.
Duppenthaler, Madeline, Samantha Kelley, and Catherine West. 2018. Faunal appendix in CRM report entitled Archaeological Investigations at KOD-405, Kiliuda Bay, Kodiak Archipelago, Alaska.
Conference Presentations
“Boon and Bane: The Paradox of Pre-Pottery Neolithic Caprine Domestication in the Southern Levant” Paper presented at the Whitman Undergraduate Conference, 2016.