Evan McDuff

  • Education MA, Boston University, 2023
    MA, Brandeis University, 2019
    BA, University of Maine, 2013

Areas of Interest

Roman Archaeology; Archaeobotany; Phytolith Analysis; Zooarchaeology; Ancient Food

Research Interests  and Fieldwork

I study ancient Greek and Roman culinary practices with a focus on the use of spices. My methodology for studying ancient food is holistic and includes historical research in Latin and ancient Greek primary sources, archaeological excavations and analyses concentrated on zooarchaeology and archaeobotany, and interpretations of ancient artistic representations of food. My previous research has focused on the use of phytoliths in identifying different varieties of pepper in the archaeological record.


Tel Shimron (Roman period)


McDuff, Evan and Joel Christensen. 2019. “Pour Some Pepper on Me: The King of Spices in Greece and Rome.” Eidolon.

Conference Presentations

“A Peppered Past: Piper nigrum and Piper longum products in the Greek and
Roman World.” Paper presented at Rutgers University Classics Conference “Food and Drink in the Ancient World.” 2019.

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