Emily Ubik

- Email eubik@bu.edu
- Education BA, Archaeology and BS, Electrical Engineering 2016, Boston University
Areas of Interest
Paleoethnobotany, Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction, GIS, Remote Sensing, Geoarchaeology
Research Interests & Fieldwork
I am interested in the relationship between a population and their environment, how a landscape can shape a culture. I am also interested in environmental reconstruction and the development of technology to further archaeological discovery and analysis.
UROP, Kaymakçı Archaeological Project:
Under the direction of Professor Marston, I am measuring and analyzing grain seed samples to further understand the environmental changes and varying agricultural practices at the site of Gordion in present-day Turkey. The focus is on free-threshing wheat (bread wheat, Tritium aestivum and hard wheat, T. durum), and barley (Hordeum vulgare). The site of Gordion is dated from the Early Bronze Age (2500-2000 BCE) to the Medieval age (13-14th centuries CE). The grain measurements will be compared with previous grain measurement analysis from earlier occupation at the site and other sites across Anatolia.
Conference Presentations
Ubik, Emily, and John M. Marston. 2015. “Agricultural implications of wheat and barley grain measurements at ancient Gordion, Turkey.” Poster presented at the 38th Annual Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology.