Emily Brown
Research Data Coordinator, Boston Children’s Hospital

- Title Research Data Coordinator, Boston Children’s Hospital
- Office CAS STO 348
- Email eebrown@bu.edu
- Education BA, Boston University, 2019
Areas of Interest
Biology, Anthropology, Archaeology, Paleoethnobotany, Phytolith Analysis
Research Interests & Fieldwork
I am interested in numerous fields of science and how different aspects of each can be combined for new interdisciplinary perspectives on projects’ aims and objectives. I previously completed an internship at the Arnold Arboretum focusing on wood anatomy morphometrics to predict wood elasticity. Currently, I am utilizing phytolith analysis to determine the composition of specific cereal grains at Tomb 50, a burial site in Tel Megiddo, Israel. My research will contribute to previous and ongoing phytolith analyses completed at this site.
Tomb 50 Phytolith Analysis UROP