NEEAN Meetings
The first two meetings of NEEAN were hosted by the Boston University Department of Archaeology on April 5, 2014, and October 3, 2015, in Boston, MA. Meetings are free to attend for all interested professionals and students and do not include formal research presentations; rather, they are focused on networking, training, resource sharing, and building plans for the future.
The third meeting of NEEAN was held for September 30, 2017, also hosted by the Boston University Department of Archaeology, in Boston, MA.
Schedule of Events for 2017 Meeting
- 9:00-10:00 Breakfast (hosted by BU), sign in, networking
- 10:00-10:15 Orientation and introduction
- 10:15-11:45 Breakout group 1 – faculty and students meet separately to discuss inter-university teaching and laboratory training
- 11:45-1:15 Lunch (on own – interactive Google map of restaurants here)
- 1:15-2:00 Group reports – presentations of morning breakouts and large group discussion of needs and potential models for collaboration
- 2:00-3:30 Breakout group 2 – topical group meetings to discuss specific potential collaborations
- 3:30-4:00 Wrap-up – presentations of afternoon breakouts and next steps
- 4:00-6:00 Reception (hosted by BU)