Neurocytology Test


Test your neurocytology knowledge and train to improve your skills.

Learn how to distinguish neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia and endothelial cells in the cerebral cortex:

The decision-tree algorithm below compiles a systematic and detailed list of morphological criteria that can facilitate and standardize identification of cells in Nissl-stained brain sections examined under the microscope. We describe specific cytological features of neurons, glial and endothelial cell types in the cerebral cortex of the macaque monkey and the human. We used the Nissl staining technique because it labels all cells in the brain in distinct ways.

Based on: García-Cabezas MA, John YJ, Barbas H and Zikopoulos B. (2016). Distinction of neurons, glia and endothelial cells in the cerebral cortex: an algorithm based on cytological features. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. Nov 1;10:107. eCollection 2016. PMCID: PMC5088408             Download PDF  

Read and follow the ALGORITHM (download pdf here: Neurocytology Algorithm) and take the sample NEUROCYTOLOGY TEST (download pdf here: Neurocytology Test)

Record your answers in DATASHEET-1 (download WORKBOOK here: NeurocytologyTestData) and compare your results with ours (in DATASHEET-2)


Students of HS-370 and HS-582 (Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology)Read and follow the ALGORITHM (download pdf here: Neurocytology Algorithm) and take the training QUIZ (download pdf here: Quiz 0 Neurocytology-Training). Then download and take the Neurocytology Quiz 1 (download pdf here: Quiz1_ Neurocytology)
