Joan Schirle in Second Skin
Q. How do I register?
A. Sign up to be on the mailing list to be notified about schedule updates and registration. You will receive a link in the email notification when registration opens for a specific event or day. That link will take you to the registration for each event. While this may involve several steps, it helps to keep the conference contained and free of disruptions.
Q. Is there a cost?
A. No, the conference is completely free. See acknowledgements for information on our funders.
Q. Who can attend?
A. The conference is open to anyone who would like to attend. A few events may limit the number attendees. Any events held on the BU campus in conjunction with the conference are subject to the BU visitor policies at that time.
Q. Do I have to and/or can I register for everything? Or is there a limit?
A. Participants can choose single or multiple virtual events and some registration may cover a series of events on a single day. Some events may have a limited number of attendees and access isn’t guaranteed.
Q. What if I miss an event or can’t attend? Will there be a recording?
A. We will endeavor to record and make sessions available for a month. In some cases, presenters and/or organizers may choose to not make a recording available. Also, there can be technical difficulties or user error that interferes with recording. We will provide information about accessing missed sessions when recordings are available.
Q. Is it just the four weekends?
A. There may be additional sponsored events outside of the four weekends. Those on the mailing list will be notified.
Q. What if I do not want to register for the mailing list?
A. The website will be updated regularly but the only way to receive links to register is through the mailing list.
Q. What language is the conference in?
A. The conference will be in English, for the most part. Many presenters are from non-English speaking countries and we will attempt to provide translation to facilitate their participation. We can try but in no way guarantee presenter translation to other languages at this time. Some people have had luck using a Google.
Q. What time zone is the conference in?
A. The conference times are based on Boston time (EST).
Q. What if I have questions about accessibility or need accommodations?
A. For questions about physical accessibility or to request a communication-related accommodation ( e.g. ASL Interpreters, Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART); assistive listening devices; hearing or induction loops), please contact wmmasks@bu.edu. Please submit requests for accommodations as soon as possible, ideally no later than 3 weeks prior to the event.